Sage Family



I am so happy that you posted your last message on this one! You have no idea how much help you have been to me on it!

I have never seen this particular article from the Northampton newspaper before, and was most interested. As you may note from my own earlier posting I was born and for some time lived at 192 Walpole Street. When I was a very small boy I knew the Mrs. Todd referenced! She was my grandmother's neighbour and friend.

With regard to the service at the St. Barnabas church - I was christened there! My Grandfather's funeral was held there!...and one of my close friends was married there!

Wonderful stuff!

I must tell this to a friend in New Mexico with whom I am currently corresponding by email - he was born and lived at 194 Walpole Street at about the same time! He will be fascinated!

Thank you so very much, and very best regards,

John M
Now I've got myself in the same position as Arne!

Yes - these notes are there for all to see - and I hadn't checked it out properly, even after Lester Mitcham had pointed the way!

So I must apologize to Lester, and retire gracefully, with 'egg on face' - again!

Just goes to show, doesn't it. Check out the site in full as well as the message board, folks!

Still a'learnin...

John M
Hi John,

Greetings. No apologizes necessary. Your thanks to Arne threw me as I was sure I had drawn your attention to all of the Sage family informations on the ET web-site back in April and wondered why you only now seemed to know about them.

Continued success with your Sage family researches.

Just to let you know that I'm reading with interest this topic - refer my last entries -I would really like to find more about the SAGE family to enable me to tie them into my mothers family
Hi Norm ,I am related to Annie Elizabeth Cazaly.My mothers maiden name was Cazaly ,her family were hugenots and I heard tell of a relative who perished on the Titanic along with her husband and 9 children.If anyone has any information regarding the cazaly famly i would be interested to hear from them
LOndon (UK)
Penny, Maurice doesn't log on very often and will probably not see your message. I Suggest you click on his name (in the left hand column) to bring up his profile page - from there you can send an email and hopefully reach him.
hi as far as I know I am a descendant of the sages on board the titanicI have a fact to add to this story john george sage had a brother and iam a descendant of that brother on a post it talks about him owning some apartments in norfolk well this is where at least in my family tree where this brother lived and also owned the buliding where his brother had a store! way too much of a conincidence
Justin, I am trying to do the Sage family tree. Can you let me have the information you have on the brother and his family? It would be very helpful, Penny Cazaly
We're looking for anyone who might have a picture of the Sage Family or know who to contact for a copy of one. We are very interested in the story behind the Sage family. We are wanting to tell their story in our Titanic Attraction being built in Branson, MO. and would like to have a picture to go with the story. However, we have only found one picture of the family at this time and the quality is not the best.
Hallo, Carla. The photograph you have seen was first published in newspapers back in 1912 and though it has appeared more recently in many publications, the source seems always to be the crudely-screened newspaper image rather than an original print or negative. If the original still exists and you can track it down we'd love to see it! It is probably the only available photograph which shows the whole family. Others exist of particular family members, but these I think are not available for publication at this time.
Hello, I have been researching my family tree which involves the Sage family of Hertfordshire. I read on a web post that Penny Cazaly had been looking up the Sage family and thought that John's Grand Father was born in St Albans 1808. If this is true then I think I Have him in my tree as my gt gt gt grand father.
That's quite difficult to answer, since there is few information about that. Although, my opinion is that the Sages got in the boat deck quite late in the sinking, lots of people were already panicking and there lots of confusion. Perhaps she was separated from her family.

Hope this helps.
