Hello everyone

I couldn't work out how to start a new thread because i am dumb so i have had to add on to the end of this one.

I am interested in Roger Tobin. My grandfather's surname was Tobin, and he came to England when he was 16 from Tipperary. And when i asked my Nan (because my grandfather is dead) did he have any relatives called Roger she didnt know,but she said Tobin was surprisngly uncommon Irish name. So this leads me to the question how do i find out more on this person? and whether or not I am acutally related to him? I know the basic info as in he was 20, was travelling with the women mentioned in this thread and such, but i really need more.


Hallo Steve -

Don't be concerned about being 'dumb' - it can take a while to work your way around a messageboard. I've moved your post to a thread of its own, but for future reference, if you scroll down to the bottom of the pages listing threads for each part of the forum (in this case 'Passengers'), you'll see a link that says 'start new thread.' Click on it, and you'll find it does what it says on the tin.

I'm assuming you've already looked at the information for Tobin on the main site. Someone here may be able to assist you further, or you may want to contact the author of The Irish Aboard Titanic, Senan Molony.

Usually, if trying to trace a connection to an ancestor, it's better to start with what you know about your own immediate family and work backwards through family memories, birth, death and marriage certificates, obituaries and so on. This can be somewhat difficult in Ireland due to the destruction of certain records, particularly in the Irish War of Independance and the Irish Civil War.
Re: Roger Tobin

Did Mr Tobin have any relations in Ireland. My partner's family hail from that part of Ireland but we are unaware of the connection with Mr Roger Tobin.
Hello Karen,

From The Irish Aboard Titanic: Roger was one of 6 children, 5 still living in 1911. - Patrick [22], Mary [20], Roger [19], William [18], David [16]. - Parents Patrick and Margaret. - The address is given as from: Lisgibbon, Bansha, Co Tipperary.
Also interested my surname is Tobin, and my father was called Roger Tobin from Wales, however I have been told that we had family in Southern Ireland, how do I find out if I am related to the titanic Roger Tobin? I live in Northern Ireland.
Also interested my surname is Tobin, and my father was called Roger Tobin from Wales, however I have been told that we had family in Southern Ireland, how do I find out if I am related to the titanic Roger Tobin? I live in Northern Ireland.
Hi, suzanne, did you find out any information about Roger Tobin and if you are related to him, I am also interested if I am related too as I am a Tobin.
Hello Margaret, thank you for your reply, is there any way that I can find out if Roger Tobin is my relative, I was thinking perhaps on ancestry, I have done a DNA on ancestry and found that I am 88% Irish so was thinking something along this line, if you would know if it was possible.

Angela Tobin
Hi Steve there are tobins still living in Tipperary in a place called rosadreidh John tobin is Mary's tobin grand son my great gran ain't was Katie Peters he was from the Glen of atherlow 5 miles from bansha if u look up atherlow history u can trace tobin family history up to this day hope this helps