Nomadic and Traffic postcard

Hello Frank,

I have no idea of the exact date but ...

Nomadic&Traffic are shown with the 'open-bridge' so, in my mind, the picture has been taken between June 1911 (arrival in Cherbourg) and July 1912 (inauguration of Cherbourg Maritime Station, at that time Nomadic had a covered bridge).

I hope it could help you.

All the Best,


PS : if you need other original Nomadic postcards, have a look on ebay Belgium ... ;-)
Hi Philippe,

Thank you very much for your answer.

Yes, you're right, 2 Nomadic postcards are actually for sale on E-bay Belgium and I'm bidding for.

Congratulations from France for your good work concerning researches about George Krins.
I have an issue called "L'Illustradion", published on April, 27, 1912, including the George Krins most famous photo.

Very best regards,


Thanks for your bids.

I will soon publish an article about the 'lost Krins' Memorial'. We found the plans of a 'Georges Krins Monument' that had to be unveiled in Lií¨ge in April 1914. Unfortunately, money came very slowly and WWI broke out.

I am also working on a 'Krins Exhibition' to be held in April 2007 in Spa and I am collecting as much document as possible. So, I would be EXTREMELY pleased if I could have a copy of your newspaper.

You can contact me privately (see profile).

All the Best,
