Stewards and other miscellaneous crew members

When steerage passengers are hold down, a crewman arrive to aid them before Chief Officer Wilde pass order: "Women and Children up top!". Now my question is what that Crewman is?

He is dressed this way:

Thanks in Advance!




I cannot answer your question based on the man's uniform, but the scene and the order to send women and children to the Boat Deck is reminiscent of Third Class Steward John E. Hart. He survived and his testimony at the British Inquiry is available here. Note that some here have questioned the authenticity of Hart's story, but he does testify that he went down to Third Class and ordered women and children to come to the Boat Deck. Some willingly stayed behind, and undoubtedly some did not understand the order given in English.
Thank you! I see now, that wireless operators have same mark on the sleeves in A Night to Remember. Did they had saw-tooth insignia, too in real-life?

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That's Desmond Llewelyn, best known as 'Q' in the early James Bond films. In the imdb cast listing he appears as an uncredited seaman (which is clearly wrong) but in the most detailed available cast list he appears as an uncredited steward. I have also seen a reference that he was playing one of the two Masters at Arms. Whatever, it's unlikely he was intended to be any particular identifiable individual. Take your pick.
It's not that easy. The most detailed information about the film, including cast listings, is not available online and neither can it all be found from one source.