Arun Vajpey
We have all read about how Harold Bride is supposed to have been briefly trapped under the capsized Collapsible B before swimming out under the side and on to the surface. Is there any information on whether he had to take off his life jacket in order to be able to do so?
I ask because I know from personal experience how hard it can be to submerge deliberately while wearing a life jacket. Whitewater rafting in Tully River in Queensland, Australia in 2006, our raft, with 6 on board, capsized. As I was sitting at one end, I was the only one ending-up under the upended raft. They had told us very clearly about that possibility and what to do if it happened and so I did not panic in the darkness (or at least I think that I didn't). It was only a 6-man raft and with its inflated edges far more buoyant than a lifeboat but it still took me 3 attempts before I managed to swim under and over to the surface. Bride's position must have been far more difficult and in icy waters of the Atlantic.
I ask because I know from personal experience how hard it can be to submerge deliberately while wearing a life jacket. Whitewater rafting in Tully River in Queensland, Australia in 2006, our raft, with 6 on board, capsized. As I was sitting at one end, I was the only one ending-up under the upended raft. They had told us very clearly about that possibility and what to do if it happened and so I did not panic in the darkness (or at least I think that I didn't). It was only a 6-man raft and with its inflated edges far more buoyant than a lifeboat but it still took me 3 attempts before I managed to swim under and over to the surface. Bride's position must have been far more difficult and in icy waters of the Atlantic.