Lightollers tattoos / personalty

Aly Jones

I've read lightoller had tattoos. Just wondering where were they on his body and what of?

Lightoller comes off as being a fun, out going, type of guy. I've read he played a practical joke in Sydney in 1900, so having tattoos suit him.

I also believe he was born way to early for his time. He would make an awesome YouTuber
I've read lightoller had tattoos. Just wondering where were they on his body and what of?

Lightoller comes off as being a fun, out going, type of guy. I've read he played a practical joke in Sydney in 1900, so having tattoos suit him.

I also believe he was born way to early for his time. He would make an awesome YouTuber

The 1895 mates application is the only one that reference a tattoo, but they also had him as 5'8", auburn hair and grey eyes. That doesn't match the other descriptions on the applications that have no mentions of a tattoo at all. Also taller, dark hair and blue eyes. I think it might have been a mistake.
There were always a lot of variances in the BOT descriptions -especially height. For example, Pitman seems to get shorter going from 5ft 9 (1900), 5ft 8 (1902), 5 ft 7 (1902, 1906). Pitman is also listed as having both dark and fair complexion. The difference between blue/grey eyes is not huge at all, neither the difference between auburn/dark (auburn is sometimes referred to as reddish-brown or dark ginger).

I think they were only an approximation and subject to personal interpretation and perspective. So I wouldn't say that Lightoller's tattoo is necessarily a mistake. Perhaps it was spotted on his upper arm when he was younger and more prone to showing it; later as he advanced in qualification he wisely made sure it was covered up. Although it was not unusual - Fifth officer Lowe also had a tattoo - of "HGL in heart on right fore arm."

You can see all the applications on a single page here: What Did Titanic's Officers Look Like? | William Murdoch