A Holy Grail The Missing Depositions by Senan Molony

Hallo Paul -

Lord's papers were bequethed to the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich. Last time I checked (last year) they weren't accessible yet because the James Caird Library was still cataloguing them. They might have completed the job now. The Library is well worth a visit anyway - the staff are tremendous, and I've spent many a happy hour in there with the laptop.
I think that was one of the places I checked, Paul - there's still hope, though. While you would think they would be categorised seperately, there's a possibility they're bundled together with other documents still waiting to be catalogued properly. As more and more people follow geneology as a hobby, there's even a possiblity that someone pursuing an unrelated subject might, while painstakingly searching through material, come across them (I just hope that, if they do, they recognise the importance of the statements!).

That's also a useful swag of reference material up there online - thanks for posting it. Now that many libraries, museums and archives are getting their catalogues on-line and searchable, it's easy to narrow options - ARCHON is a good source over in the UK. I found some interesting WSL odds and sods that way.
Have the Pelham and Snow depositions been published, either fully or partially? I am wondering how sections were reproduced in Senan's article.

