Dear David,
Hello, how are you? It is nice to "meet" you. I have been meaning to pick up a copy of your book, because I have been hearing good things about it, but have not had a chance as of yet. Am looking forward to reading it though.
"Question -- who was "packing heat" on Titanic that night besides the officers? Did any of the passengers have sidearms? Do we know?"
As far as the officers go, Second Officer
Lightoller stated that the Webley revolvers were handed out to Smith, Wilde, Murdoch and himself. He mentions this incident in detail in his book, and briefly mentions it in his 1912 Christian Science interview. Fifth Officer Lowe had his own personal firearm aboard, and that is what he used. There is no evidence, in their own testimony, or that of others in the case of
Moody, that Pitman,
Boxhall or
Moody were armed.
Jack Thayer mentioned in his book that Purser McElroy was armed and fired shots at
Collapsible C, but the four other witnesses who actually mentioned a specific officer alleged that the man who fired the shots at this boat was First Officer Murdoch. Among them were Fireman Harry Senior, and passenger Hugh Woolner, who knew it was Murdoch by his voice. Besides Thayer's latter day account, there is nothing to suggest that McElroy was armed. Likewise, there is no evidence that either of the Master-At-Arms were armed, allegations on this message board not withstanding. It is perhaps possible that other officers may have been armed, but there is no evidence for it that I am aware of.
As far as the passengers, several are known to have been armed, including Baron von Drachstedt, who dishcarged his firearm while sitting in Lifeboat # 7 as a call for help, and
Michel Navratil, whose body was recovered with a revolver on it. There is at least one other passenger who I believe was armed, but his name escapes me at the moment. I hope that this helps.
All my best,
Tad Fitch