Any Californian Related Issues Likely for Books or TV

One thing I've never seen is a documentary only concerning the Californian issue. You would think Discovery Channel or the History Channel would explore this option. Have any of you heard anything about this possibility? Also, George, Senan or anyone else, is a Californian related book in the future? Thanks!

I'd like to know that myself. Would be most interesting to see the story portrayed from the Californian's point of view, either on TV or in a movie.

As for books,I'd like to see a two part biography done of Captain Lord; one part done by a pro-Lord author, the second, by an anti-Lord author, the point being that it would be up to the reader to decide for themselves.

I doubt it it would ever be done that way, though. Too much emotion on both sides for there to be any real cooperation on such a project. More practical would be two separate bios, each done from the opposing point of view.
Hi, Michael!

My own 80-page unpublished Californian manuscript is being used as reference material by a well-known Californian expert who's writing a book of his own. We'll see what happens.

All my best,


I agree it would be nice to see what you described! I can never figure out why there is so much animosity about the Californian issue especially since all the major players are long gone anyway. I just like to see all the differing arguments so as to be able to figure out for myself what likely happened. But, if I could go back in time, the one thing I'd do first is be on Titanic's bow to see why the lookouts had such a hard time spotting the berg. Next, I'd hang out on the Californian's deck and see what they saw.

George, that's fantastic, I'll be eagerly awaiting the book! Let me know if you hear any updates on it!

Best Regards,

I wouldn't mind a Californian related documentary, preferably one that remained as objective as possible. Though in fairness, I have to wonder if objectivity is possible. The Californian Incident is by far one of the thorniest issues in the Titanic community, taking second place (Maybe) only to the salvage issue. It's one of the few almost certain to guarantee fist fights among people who are otherwise good friends

And please, oh PLEASE, God in his/her infinite mercy protect us from any made-for-TV movies on this subject. Objectivity and historical accuracy will be the first thing to get the boot in favor of dramatic license.

Michael H. Standart
>>Though in fairness, I have to wonder if objectivity is possible.<<

Nothing is done with 100% absolute objectivity. Humans, no matter how professional, in my opinion, do not have that capacity they are emotional.

>>The Californian Incident is by far one of the thorniest issues in the Titanic community, taking second place (Maybe) only to the salvage issue.<<

Whispers: Let's not forget the *ahem* (looks all around, trying to be cautious) the issue related to reincarnation. That one is a taboo, at least at this site.

Still, a documentary on the Californian would be interesting, and I wouldn't mind seeing that.
A documentary on the Californian would be more than interesting, it would be incendiary. Good luck to the poor sap who has to write the script, because whichever way the issue is looked at, some folk will be seriously p....d off!

If you ask me, perusing this board suggests that the Californian has sparked more venom and led to more threads being closed down than the question of salvage, or anything else. It's a grenade without a pin.