Any photo / information on where & how the Titanic / Olympic's crew lived

With 'soft soap', running water (hot and cold), over-sized basins, large pitchers, 'dry-mats', fresh towelling and 'live' sponges (superior still to anything else and not then expensive), very many passengers aboard 'Titanic' were, perhaps, able to maintain that standard of personal hygiene to which we ourselves aspire.
Don, as far as I know h&c running water was available only in the bathrooms and in (most) 1st Class cabins. But even if this facility had been available to all, there can be little doubt that the average Edwardian had far less inclination than ourselves to make use of it. The standard of personal hygiene to which many aspire today, particularly in North America, would have been taken as evidence of neurosis, if not paranoia, in the Edwardian era (and possibly even today in many parts of the world!)
Yes, Bob, and let us not forget that recent scientific research has cast grave doubts upon the wisdom of the very clean and hygienic modern home i.e. with every surface sterile, no dust mites, no friendly silverfish and spiders, all pets regularly irradiated with organophosphates etc. My family, however, have excellent immune systems .... so for once, I am ahead of medical advice.
Bob and Monica: A great response! Hope you were both amused by the little period piece of me so very satisfied with my cabin! Intended first to tell you about my great-aunt, Susan, and will now. Susan Smith (1878-1961) was a qualified pharmacist: I'm a bioethics librarian. We were very close; also the physical resemblance between us is remarkable. (In photographs taken before 1920, she could be me - in drag!) Anyway, Susie always boasted she had never had a tub-bath since childhood. She intended that remark to raise eyebrows. It did. But, I assure you, dear Susie was 'fastidious about her person'. Oh I know what you're both half-thinking to ask. The answer is: About six months ago. Though I didn't really need it. Don
I do have a map of the Titanic in Minecraft. If you want, I could take some screenshots of the crew areas and link the photos here. Or, if you want me to, I could make it a bit more accurate, and use software to create a more realistic version. There is also a very good picture of the maids and valet's saloon on the Titanic: Honor and Glory DeviantArt page.