Any photos of Jack Phillips

I've been attempting to research Jack Phillips for a number of years, but have not had many leads since I haven't yet had a chance to visit England. As a result, I have many questions!

In particular, I'd like to know if anyone has any photos of Jack Phillips. The only ones I've managed to find are the "official" Marconi photo and the one taken by Father Browne on the Adriatic. Any help with this would be appreciated!
Thank you, Nadine. The photo you linked appears to be similar to the “official Marconi” photo — he seems to be wearing the same uniform complete with gloves. Perhaps they were taken at the same time.

As an aside, does anyone know when that “official” photo (I’d say it’s probably the most-published one) was taken? He appears to be pretty young, so maybe it is from the time of his graduation. I thought it was interesting that the “most-published” photo of Harold Bride was a school picture taken when he was about 16!
Happily, I was able to read the excellent article about Jack Phillips from the Feb. 2008 issue of Surrey Life magazine on their Web site:

Unfortunately, the photos which accompanied the printed article - supposedly of John Young and his fantastic collection - are not included on the Web version. Would anyone who has the magazine be willing to post them or e-mail them to me? I have not been able to find a copy of the magazine anywhere. Thank you in advance!
>>Would anyone who has the magazine be willing to post them or e-mail them to me?<<

Anybody wanting to post the photos, please be mindful of copyright issues and make sure you have the publication's permission before doing so.
Hello, this is my first post and I hoping I do everything right.
I have always been very fascinated/intrigued with the wireless operators of the Titanic. I have been doing as much research as possible online. I first found out about this message board 1 month ago and started reading it. I also saw some links with (what I'm think) photos of the Harold Bride and Jack Phillips. But the GeoCities websites have closed and I can't access them. My question: Could anyone send me photos through email, particularly of Jack Phillips? I've seen the ones on this site: But I'd like to know if there were any others. I know it sounds crazy, but this would really mean a lot to me. My email address is Thanks so much.
PS Sorry for any bad spelling-English not being my first language.

[Moderator's note: This message, originally posted as a separate thread, has been moved to this pre-existing thread addressing the same subject. MAB]