August Abrahamson

I have read Philip Gowans excellent article in the magazine for The Irish Titanic Historical soiety vol. 10, No. 1 about Finland Titanic passengers. Philip mention that August Abrahamson died in the summer of 1961, but do anybody know where?
Hi Phil,

I just joined ET two days ago and stumbled upon Arne Mjaland's mail regarding an article you have written:

"I have read Philip Gowans excellent article in the magazine for The Irish Titanic Historical soiety vol. 10, No. 1 about Finland Titanic passengers. Philip mention that August Abrahamson died in the summer of 1961, but do anybody know where?"

Any chance for you to send it to me by mail (along with the Bulgarian text to be translated)?

We have located photos of the Jussila sisters in an obscure Finnish muesum, and I hope that I will be able to visit them and take macro photos of the pictures when visiting Finland in early August. I will also try to dig out all the other photos for you as well then.

All my best,

Gosh, we are honoured! Those of you who don't know Kalman Tanito are about to be introduced to one of the most brilliant Titanic researchers that I know of. Welcome aboard sir!


Thank you for the accolades, but it is me who is pleased to be in such awesome company at last :) .

My own research leaves a lot to be desired, although there have been some interesting things that I have stumbled upon - the latest being that Gusztáv Ráth, Hungarian supernumerary officer of the Carpathia died in South America in the 1950's. I do have a lead, but it should be followed on ...

But Geoff, now there is a REAL researcher :) ! I should really make it to the BTS convention in the future, as Phil Gowan and Juha Peltonen keep telling me.


Very glad to see you here. And yes, you should come to the next BTS convention. Last April's was the best I've ever been to for any society.

Eric Sauder

I'm happy to see you aboard, my friend! Have missed hearing from you. I got your message forwarded from ET but there was no email attached. Now that you've posted your homepage to your profile, I just replied with news.

I must second Geoff's accolade. Kalman is not only brilliant as a researcher but he is one of the most generous and helpful people one is likely to come across.

Kalman, I hope you do come to the next convention. I'll be happy to finally meet you. It will be my first time to a Titanic event so I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

All my best,

Kalman-great to see you here! Will send you the article and some other stuff next week--am away from home until Sunday. Are the exams all over and done with?

Welcome Kalman. I have not had the opportunity to meet you as of yet, but look forward to learning a whole lot from you in the future.

Hi, Kalman!

I'm absolutely delighted to see you here on ET! It's been a long time since we've seen each other in person; let's hope it won't take another thirteen years before we can sit across a table from each other, hoist a few Mountain Dews and talk about the good old days. :)

Take care, my friend.


Hey, Geoff -- what you need is a little 'hair of the dog' to ease the symptoms of Dewski withdrawal. . . :)

Nice to see you here, my friend. (Gosh, did I really say that?) :)



(P.S. I'll reply to your email very soon.)
Ah, ha! The reason you're loosing your hair is ....

Too much Dewski!

Look at me, I've still got all mine, and I drink the hard stuff - Classic Coke!

(of course, mine isn't quite the dark brown shade it used to be ......)