August Abrahamson

Bill. I'm losing my hair too, but the Mt Dew is the only thing around here that calms my nerves.
Don't know..... Is there such thing as Too Much Dewski? Let you know if I ever reach my limit. (I'll just sprint up to Washington and tell you personally.)
Colleen - hahahaha!

But, you're just more proof that Dew causes hair loss! Gee, I better have a long talk with my son, as he's addicted to the Dew, too. Wouldn't dew for him to have less hair than his old man!
>August Abrahamson anybody?

Sure, we'll have another round of Abrahamson at our table, won't we, Geoff? Finest malt liquor available! :)

(Hi, Phil! Sorry we got 'slightly' off topic here. Back to business now.)

All my best,
