Belfast Delivery Crew James Armstrong

Hi I've just come across this site and I see my great grandfather is the delivery crew to Southampton, the story of the family goes that he had slept in and missed the titanic ship sailing. He had worked in the ship yard at Belfast with his father since 1901 and I see that he was named as delivery crew so I would love to find out if there was any more information of his time on titanic as it only gives name and address. Would there be more details and how would he have got back to Belfast. It also showed last ship Treherbert but I can't find this and want does it mean... Is this a ship he last worked or travelled on as crew, where can I find the ship list as I'm trying to find his date of birth to find his mother's maiden name as I'm struggling to find this part of my ancestry. Thank you all kindly in advance. Sharonrose
Think I posted in passenger thread as I'm new to this sorry. I've been searching for years for any details of my great grandfather James Armstrong who worked in Hartland & Wolff shipyard since 1899 to 1912 as cementer and also told story of him missing the Titanic as he slept in that I found him as a delivery crew member to Southampton from Belfast so I guess he never got on to her maiden voyage and this is where he had missed the ship. It did show his last ship was Treherbert but I can't find his details on this nor any details on titanic except for his name and address Weir street Belfast but no date of birth or crew number, could anyone please help direct when I could find these details or how he would of returned to Belfast having missed getting back on to titanic for maiden voyage. Kind regards Sharonrose
You have here a family tradition which is only partly true. James indeed was in the crew that took Titanic from Belfast to Southampton. He was a fireman and was aged 31.

The story about sleeping in is imaginary. If he had intended to go to New York he would have signed on with most of the crew on 6 April. If he failed to join the ship his name would be on the long list of deserters, but it isn't.

He would have returned to Belfast by taking a train to Liverpool and a ferry to Belfast.

If there is anything more about him the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum may have something from H & W records. The British National Archive has some shipping records. Somebody more expert than I am could tell you how British births, deaths and marriages records are kept. Good hunting!
You have here a family tradition which is only partly true. James indeed was in the crew that took Titanic from Belfast to Southampton. He was a fireman and was aged 31.

The story about sleeping in is imaginary. If he had intended to go to New York he would have signed on with most of the crew on 6 April. If he failed to join the ship his name would be on the long list of deserters, but it isn't.

He would have returned to Belfast by taking a train to Liverpool and a ferry to Belfast.

If there is anything more about him the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum may have something from H & W records. The British National Archive has some shipping records. Somebody more expert than I am could tell you how British births, deaths and marriages records are kept. Good hunting!
Thank you for your reply, the story is only what had been passed down which brought me to look at the Titanic site to find him on the list. I had tried to look up the records and interested in the ones you have mentioned Dave, please could you advise me the links you have seen that shows the deserters or crew that got off. Thank you for your reply. Sharonro