Hi Sam,

You mean that the Titanic would have went down, because of Captain Smith's adventures on board when Titanic didn't struck an iceberg?! Great story, but I think that that gipsy, the spontaneous confinement and the twin story must be removed of the story (I'm a twin myself so I don't accept stupid tales about it!!!). Do you have an option for other weird, amazing, terrible etc. tales inplace of the ones I removed???

Hope you can give me some information
Greetings Rollie
Hi Rollie
No!!!!!!!! Dont remove the twin story!!!!
OK. The black woman runs on the bridge in obvious distress. She brandishes a pistol and hijacks the Titanic. Her navigational skills arent up to scratch and the ship collides with the Lusitania, sinking them both in the north Atlantic and doubling the size of this website! Captain Lord (do you remember that bit of the story!!!!!!!!!!)
jumps in a row boat and saves everyone while firing rockets to confuse everyone.
Not bad eh?!
Hello Sam,

THIS IS REALLY VERY GOOD STUFF!! OK, for this time I will accept the story of the twins. But I would make that more difficult. The black woman hates one of the twins. Before she runs on the bridge she still has a bone to pick with the eldest twin. She run into the twins accomodation and kill the one who is having sex with the musician (do you remember it: musician from the story). But it is the wrong one and if it is still not enough, she also killed the musician who later seems to be the unknown son of EJ. However, Mr. Lord has change his mind and jumpes in a lifeboat, but.... he only save the second class passengers, and the dogs aboard the ships (how cruell and unaspected!!). I guess that this site isn't correct anymore!

Really Sam, your story will be the base of James Cameron's TITANIC II!! Maybe we have some suggestions for Mr. Cameron??

Greetings Rollie
Hi Rollie
After killing the violinist (Jock Hume) Wallace Hartley (the band leader) becomes very upset and believing that the other twin has killed Jock he runs around looking for her before she gets into a lifeboat. She sees him and starts running down the grand staircase while hartley shoots poison darts at her from his special James Bond style violin bow.
She gets away and Hartley runs back on the deck. Realising the second class passengers have left the ship he looks for his dog "tothee" and is told capt Lord Has taken him. He is very upset and begins playing a mournful tune, wishful he was with his dog again.........Nearer my dog Tothee.

No offence meant but this is an attack on the awful opus of Shannon OCork which is about as realistic as the above.
I must have read a different version of that book. In the version I read, called "Ice Fall", published in the 80s, Captain Lord lets the Titanic sink, simply because his lover, who is sailing on the Titanic, has a change of heart and tells him to get bent by wireless, after he sends a wireless proposing to her.
Dear people,

What about "Raise the Titanic" by Clive Cussler and "Danielle Steel's family album" about Titanic?? Don't forget them!

Greetings Rollie
Dear people,

WHAT?!? Raise the Titanic a GOOD book?? I'm sorry to disagree. Mr. Cussler travelled on Cunard liners so he had an idee of "being on a ship". I don't have that experience, but I think that the most important thing with issues like Titanic is correctness. Mr. Cussler launched another ridiculous idea how to get Titanic on the surface after 80 years or so. In his book the Titanic layed intact on the oceanfloor with much of furniture and even human bones in the gymnasium on the boatdeck (AAAGHH!). Didn't he made any research on the subject? The story is a bad extract of a kind of James Bond (aka 007) movie.

Why didn't he took a fictive ship with a name like Gigantic or something. Than you have a kind of Titanic, but there is no reason to think that the whole story is wrong.

Well, I've vent my spleen more than enough.(could I have amnesty for this because of that Christmas thought??). I do have to mention that the style in wich Mr. Cussler writes, is good.

Am looking forward to reactions (..)
Greetingsr Rollie
Hi Rollie
Steady on old chap!Poor Clive hadnt the luck of Walter Lord of travelling on the Olympic and Im sure Cameron had little ocean liner experience.
REmember also that nobody knew what state the wreck was in until it was discovered. There were lots of theories about how the deep sea environment may have preserved furniture. Even Bob Ballard was disappointed not to find any wood fittings. Of course, before the wreck was found the popular idea was that thw ship sank in one piece.
With all respect I think you should give poor Mr. Cusssler some leeway on this one. Good to hear from you again so soon!

Hello Sam,

You've got me! I knew about the fact that nobody knew what state the wreck was, when the book was written. I only hoped that there were no people here so smart of remembering this, on such late hours (snik). Well Sam, I enjoy to discuss with you!

For this time I shall give Mr. Cussler that much wished Xmas amnesty...

Hi Rollie

Never underestimate the power of the force!
And never fear Mr Cussler....we'll get back to the usual slatings in the new year!

Wellllllll....Cussler's work IS fiction and not really a bad read when you get down to it. Still, I thought the scenerio of Our Hero, Mr Pitt having at it with Mrs. Seagram in one of the ruined staterooms was a bit much. I can think of much better places to get it on with a lady then that.

Bring on the candlelight, a good wine, a firplace that works...

Rather an old fashioned sort, that's me.

Michael H. standart
Reading 'Raise the Titanic' today is like opening a time capsule, because Cussler's image of the wreck mirrored the opinion of the Titanic experts of that time (the direct ancestors of those of us on the list, although some of us are old enough that we ARE our own ancestors). I have a copy of an engineering study that I participated in (I built the models for the tow tank) from 1978 entitled 'A Technically Plausible Scenario for the Salvage of the Titanic' that begins with the plausible assumption that "the Titanic rests upright on the bottom with a 20 degree list to starboard..." There is a caveat that states that "The premise that the Titanic is in salvagable condition is almost certainly not correct" (it was not known that the ship was in two halves), but they allow that "one exception might be if the sediments happened to be rich in copper...enough to provide cathodic protection." I'd like to find my old Naval Architecture professor, who co-authored the report and brought me in to work on it, and ask him what his thoughts were when Titanic's true condition was discovered.

The serious argument for the ship being intact and upright on the ocean floor was largely accepted as a given fact in the Titanic community before the wreck was found in 1985. It's actually shameful to look back and see how eyewitnesses (like Dean) who claimed that ship broke apart were treated then. I just happened to be in the library yesterday and looking through a Dec 1985 issue of National Geographic and was amazed at the differences between what we knew right after the wreck was found (I don't believe the whereabouts of the stern were known yet) and what we know today. My point is that hindsight is a wonderful thing...it allows us to find ridiculous what was seriously accepted just a few years ago. The question then becomes - will what is being written today be ridiculed by our scholarly descendents in the future?
