Hi Parks,

Maybe it will, but most of Titanic facts are known by now (especially by some of our ancestors, aren't they?!?). I think that most of the mysteries have been solved. I'm sure to believe that many people thought that Titanic being intact on the ocean floor before the wreck was found. Many believed it would be a kind of Edwardian timecapsule. It's a pity for them. However I think it is so strange that many people believed that Titanic was intact when she sunk. After the Titanic inquiries it was easy to know that most of the survivors told that the ship broke down in two parts en sunk. So I guess that theorie must have been the most representative.

Titanic celebrities with a very good report about the sinking, Mr Beesley and Mr Gracie, both said the Titanic sank intact. Because of the use of their stories in many movies, this may have become the main thought about the sinking. I don't know that, but it was sure that their accounts about the sinking were unreliable. Mr Beesley did only saw the black shadow of the ship, because he was to far away. Mr Gracie was under water at the time Titanic sank. So....

BTW, in ANTR the Titanic also sank intact!

Greetings Rollie
Hi guys

Michael - at least they didnt have to worry about finding an ashtray for the post coital - cigarette!

Parks - I agree totally. And the old "hydrogen filled bags float Titanic to surface" scenario is still sorely missed. The discovery put paid to that, for sure. A case of no news was good news, perhaps?

Rollie - The break up certainly served Camerons dramatic finale well. He mentioned that in previous films the ship sank intact, in what could be described as a "graceful" manner.
He sure put paid to that!


(Imagine Homer) Hmmmm! Catherine...

What with all Kate Winslets supposed weight problems around the time of Titanic, I liked the comedian (can't remember his name) who suggested thst the Titanic only began to buckle and break in half when she she was on the stern towards the end of the sinking!! I like!

Weight problem? Isn't it sad that if an actress is anything more than anorexic, she is branded as having a "weight problem". Sheesh!
Tracy, if Kate had a weight problem, she hid it well.

Rolf, I wouldn't say that most of the mysteries are solved. If they were, this forum would be out of business. As it is, we still wonder about manuevering orders, (Crash stop or not crash stop, THAT is the question!)the exact nature of the damage, the identities of some bodies recovered, where the dog kennels were, whether all the rivets were really bad, mystery ships, number of rockets fired...

Plenty of material for us to have fun with.

Michael H. Standart
I agree. Kate's a doll.
Imagine Kate Moss in Titanic - she wouldnt have been around to blow the whistle!
Tracy - I dont want to start an international incident! The comedian branded her, I said she had a "supposed weight problem". Sorry in advance if I'm being paranoid!
I'm not angry with you, Sam. The "comedian" however, should get the "treatment" that Eddie Murphy dished out to the "comedian" in "The Nutty Professor".
Personally, I like Kate's so-called "weight problem." However, does saying that make me any more a male pig than one who uses the term disparagingly?

Doesn't matter...if my wife finds out that I'm discussing Kate Winslet's body (again), there'll be no cookies for Santa this year.

What in the world has this message board come to? Now we're talking about Kate Winslet's body? This is a TITANIC message board. If you want to talk about Kate Winslet body (nude or otherwise) please see my new web site KateWinsletIsSoHotInTitanicThatIPauseTheMovieOnHerNudeSceneEveryTime.com ;-)

Mike Norton
The ORIGINAL Pet Detective
Mr. Norton's "website" is soon to be partnered with my site, IFeelIllWhenDicaprioHasHisShirtOffInTitanic.net.

Feliz Navidad, and remember not to get the Wookiee of your life a comb, for he should already have one.
Hey there,

What the hell is this discuss about!!! Nude Titanic pictures?!? Hope God may forgive the unsatisfied members of this ET message board...

Greetings Rollie