"Better quality" Allison siblings pictures

Hello! I hope you are all doing well.

As I am working on research for my book, I always enjoy exploring old newspaper clips on the side for new photos of the children and teenagers I don't have in my "collection" yet.

Today I stumbled across three pictures of the Allison siblings (Loraine & Trevor). Now I am aware that two of the said pictures are already easily accessible on the internet. I am just happy to see them in (from my perspective) much better quality - especially the dear one with Loraine where she looks to be about one year old in Bess' arms - and wanted to share them with you all :)

I was also charmed by the one of Alice & baby Trevor since it is quite obvious that newspapers liked to make Alice's features appear more crooked in pictures after the fake claims of her being a baby killer surfaced. Yet in this one, the photo looks to be untouched.

And finally, I stumbled across a tiny picture of little Loraine who appears to be all smiles. My native language is French so I've always navigated between French and English sources for my research and thought since not everybody can do so I would share it here with a link to the website I am referring to.

They were such darling children.
I'd always been used to seeing that very unsatisfactory dark and blurred post disaster image of Alice Cleaver.

It's great to finally see what she actually looked like in 1912.

This is a marvellous find Stéfany and thank you very much for sharing it with us all.