
I read a book about 30 years ago (borrowed from a library in the UK) and I cannot remember the title but it was all about the Titanic and specifically went into a lot of detail about Senator Alden Brown and the American Inquiry. I have searched for it since but have not managed to trace it. Can anyone out there help me find it please?
Thanks in advance,
I read a book about 30 years ago (borrowed from a library in the UK) and I cannot remember the title but it was all about the Titanic and specifically went into a lot of detail about Senator Alden Brown and the American Inquiry. I have searched for it since but have not managed to trace it. Can anyone out there help me find it please?
Was it "The Titanic: Disaster of a Century Wyn/The Titanic: End of a Dream" by Craig Wade by any chance?
I read a book about 30 years ago (borrowed from a library in the UK) and I cannot remember the title but it was all about the Titanic and specifically went into a lot of detail about Senator Alden Brown and the American Inquiry.
There was no Senator with the name Alden Brown, who sat on the subcommittee for the inquiry. However, there was a Senator William Alden Smith, who was the chairman. I think it is highly likely that the book you're referring to, is the one mentioned by Thomas. Wade goes into a lot of detail regarding the inquiry, in his book.
Apologies it was Senator Smith I was referring to! Must have had a temporary mental block!!!! I have checked to books suggested but sadly I still haven't found the book I was looking for. Very mysterious.