Titanic Book and Submersible Gift Set

Big models. I am really looking forward to a more indepth study of my new model.

Mike, I actually got a guide with the scanner and have been tuned into the police and fire for the last day or so. I hate to say it but I think that I am addicted. As to the book. I haven't heard of that one. But let me know and I may order that myself.

Bev, sorry to hear about your neighbor. God works in mysterious ways sometimes.

I had the sinking Titanic model for Crimbo too, and thought it was brilliant-not at al tacky, as it is a genuine attempt at teaching whoever wants to know the approximate mechanics of how the old girl went down. I'm of the 'propellors didn't get that high out of the water before she cracked' school, so for me the model was extra satisfying-none of this Cameron-style dramatic nonsense! A fantastic product, you should all get one while you can-check out Amazon!
Well, I was at a B Dalton today and they had one of these there at only 5.98, with 10 percent more off with my Booksaver's card, so I went and bought it. Don't have access to the deep end of a swimming pool to try it on, so I guess I'll have to be satisfied using my bathtub.
How did it go Tracy?! I have started a chat about this sinking model under 'Collision/Sinking Theories', where I thought it was more appropriate than 'Books'.
It was very interesting, but I wish I'd had a bigger pool of water than my bathtub. I did it over and over and it performed exactly the same way each time.

I also put the model in the water with the bottom latch in the opposite direction, where the ship would not break apart. Very different results here. Almost as soon as I put the ship in the water, it would take on a port list, and would end up sinking stern first each time. Anyone else try this?
Hi Tracy,

I haven't tried that, but I'm going to now that you mention it.

Best regards,

I also tried sinking the model in the locked position so the ship wouldn't break aprt. However mine rolled to starboard and then port and sank much like the Andrea Doria. I tried it again and this time it sank Stern first. I tried it again and sank like th Andrea Doria again. I am eager to get it into a pool where I can accuratly judge things a little better.

For those unable to find a copy of Steve Santini's "The Titanic Book and Submersible Model" in the book store, here's a chance to bid on it at eBay:

Can you believe these models are selling for as much as they are on Ebay. I seen one go for $600.00. I bought seven of them after they went on sell for $ 5.00 at Books A Million and put them in my closet.