Bottle of Mathilde LEFEBVRE


For 10 days, articles in France have appeared on a bottle found in 2017 in Canada. This beautiful story deserves to be verified by finding the trips of the writing of the 12-year-old child who threw this bottle into the sea on April 13, 1912, 2 days before sinking with the Titanic.
How to find such a distant trace, perhaps at the bottom of a school cellar, in the personal archives of a teacher? On a postcard found in a flea market?
Do you have any ideas for trying to verify the writing of the letter?
Here is some additional information:
- before leaving, Matilde lived with her parents at 10 rue du colonel Renard in Liévin (1911 census), she had to be educated at the Georges Sand, Léo Lagrange or Jean-Jaurès school)
on the map in red the places of residence of the immediate family and Matilde, in yellow the primary schools and in orange the nursery schools: .. .
Here is some information found on this story and others: Information on the bottle:
incredible discovery of the bottle thrown into the sea between the place of the shipwreck and the coast of Ireland !!
The currents will take the bottle to a closed bay in Canada see Map
Letter dated the 13th, sinking of the 15th, departure of the 11th in Ireland so the Titanic was halfway when the bottle was thrown!
Why is there no news in english web site ?
You could find several link with the french and quebec newspapers here Site famille DAUMONT Marie et ses enfants go to "revue de presse"
For 10 days, articles in France have appeared on a bottle found in 2017 in Canada. This beautiful story deserves to be verified by finding the trips of the writing of the 12-year-old child who threw this bottle into the sea on April 13, 1912, 2 days before sinking with the Titanic.
How to find such a distant trace, perhaps at the bottom of a school cellar, in the personal archives of a teacher? On a postcard found in a flea market?
Do you have any ideas for trying to verify the writing of the letter?
Here is some additional information:
- before leaving, Matilde lived with her parents at 10 rue du colonel Renard in Liévin (1911 census), she had to be educated at the Georges Sand, Léo Lagrange or Jean-Jaurès school)
on the map in red the places of residence of the immediate family and Matilde, in yellow the primary schools and in orange the nursery schools: .. .
Here is some information found on this story and others: Information on the bottle:
incredible discovery of the bottle thrown into the sea between the place of the shipwreck and the coast of Ireland !!
The currents will take the bottle to a closed bay in Canada see Map
Letter dated the 13th, sinking of the 15th, departure of the 11th in Ireland so the Titanic was halfway when the bottle was thrown!
Why is there no news in english web site ?
You could find several link with the french and quebec newspapers here Site famille DAUMONT Marie et ses enfants go to "revue de presse"
Why is there no news in english web site ?
Ok thanks, but as you could noticed in the french revue, the bottle was found in 2017 and only one paper was made at that time. Then this year Jacques LEFEBVRE wrote to several newspaper and due to that the Rimouski laboratory decide to publish something two days ago... Then i guess some other article will appear now.
Ok thanks, but as you could noticed in the french revue, the bottle was found in 2017 and only one paper was made at that time. Then this year Jacques LEFEBVRE wrote to several newspaper and due to that the Rimouski laboratory decide to publish something two days ago... Then i guess some other article will appear now.
I didn't look at the revue because I don't speak or understand french at all. I was not aware of this story at all. Never heard of it before you posted it. I will check out the story more because this is not the only story of a Titanic message in a bottle. Some being disputed. I will keep an open mind on this. So thank you for the post. Cheers.
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I didn't look at the revue because I don't speak or understand french at all. I was not aware of this story at all. Never heard of it before you posted it. I will check out the story more because this is not the only story of a Titanic message in a bottle. Some being disputed. I will keep an open mind on this. So thank you for the post. Cheers.
It was strange for me to see that there is so few informations after the 2017 news in Quebec. Of course, for us it is easiest because Quebec speak french.
This one has been around as well-- The Jeremiah Burke bottle and note>
Any truth to this one?
Yes, i know that one, and it is one of the reason why we could have some doubt about the Mathilde bootle. Both bottle has been thrown on the April 13th. One arrived within one year in Ireland, and one was discovered 105 years later in Canada...
The Jeremiah Burke bottle was authentified. There is no more doubt about that one. There is many reasons to doubt about the Mathilde one, but at least there is no proof that the story was not right. We must continue to wait, for the Rimouski teams to publish their analysis.
Sorry for my poor english, just enough to say something...
This one has been around as well-- The Jeremiah Burke bottle and note>
Any truth to this one?
I watched a video on that last night. Many in the Titanic community in Ireland believe it is legit. And from what I saw until proven otherwise I tend to think it's legit also with the evidence they gave. It made more sense to me...ending up on the right coast ect ect. Plus unless someone knew other than his family certain details like the bottle he used it would be hard to fake. But that's just my feeling on it. Hard to prove anything after 100 or so odd years.
I thought a Bottle of Matilde Lefevbre was a rare Chardonnay. :D
This is a very strange one indeed. On April 13, Titanic was in the middle of the North Atlantic.
close to 47 N ...33 W and right in the middle of the permanent current and predominant SW weather systems carrying everything north eastward. See here:
13th April.jpg
I thought a Bottle of Matilde Lefevbre was a rare Chardonnay. :D
This is a very strange one indeed. On April 13, Titanic was in the middle of the North Atlantic.
close to 47 N ...33 W and right in the middle of the permanent current and predominant SW weather systems carrying everything north eastward. See here:
View attachment 76570
When I first saw this story that was the first flag that popped up in my mind. That a bottle would end up back to the east not the coast of north america. But who know's. Many things have been found in places where they should have never been.
I thought a Bottle of Matilde Lefevbre was a rare Chardonnay. :D
This is a very strange one indeed. On April 13, Titanic was in the middle of the North Atlantic.
close to 47 N ...33 W and right in the middle of the permanent current and predominant SW weather systems carrying everything north eastward. See here:
View attachment 76570
Nice information,, are you sure for the chardonnay bottle ? it seems a little bit small for a bottle of wine...
Concerning the current in the atlantics it seems that there is 4% of possibility. We have to wait for the informations from the ocenagraphic people in charge of the simulation in Quebec and in Norway.
When I first saw this story that was the first flag that popped up in my mind. That a bottle would end up back to the east not the coast of north america. But who know's. Many things have been found in places where they should have never been.
Hi Christian, see my answer to Jim.
I am living at 30 minutes from the Université de Québec à Trois Rivières, so if you need translating, don't hesitate. As far as I know from the News, they are sooo doubtful about the genuinely of this bottle. The bottle by itself is from 1912, no doubt at all. However, the handwriting by itself is not in the standard of the 1910's (I know it for I have studied in a French School on Québec soil and they taught me to handwrite that way) and the syntax is not from 1912, but seems to be from our days. But they are not sure at 100% and to confirm their theory, they absolutely need to talk with family of the girl in question.

I heard the News yesterday, that is May 9.

Hope it helps. I'll come back if there is more information.