Bulkhead Drills

I read the testimony of Captain James Henry Moore, the skipper of the "MOUNT TEMPLE" who gave testimony at the British Inquiry, and on question number 9346 Lord Mersey asked him " Do you have bulkheads drills ?" and the answer was " We have no doors in our bulkheads. We have no doors in them except in the engine room in the tunnels. There are two watertight doors there".

I would like to know what were those drills ? With boats it is not difficult to know what these drills were, but with bulkheads... ??

I don't know what Lord Mersey is asking, but Capt Moore is talking about holes "drilled" through the watertight bulkhead. Not practice "drills".
I would like to know what were those drills ?

The WTDs at tank top level (Boiler & Engine rooms) were closed automatically from the bridge.
The other doors like on E Deck would have been closed and opened by the stewards. According to company rules this was done every day except Sunday during inspection at 10:30 a.m.

I have try to give a overview of the different drills in this research article.