Californian Stewardess

Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind
Staff member
Hi everyone,

Just thought I would see what it felt like to post a message rather than going around deleting them!

I got an email from someone who said his grandmother had been a stewardess on the Californian at the time of the Titanic's sinking. I know ther were about four stewards but the list I have has no stewardesses listed.

Does anyone know if there were any?

Phil -

I'm just getting around to photocopying the Californian's crew agreements for THAT voyage for someone (actually, they are copied for me and sitting at the PRO - and I'm slightly disgruntled because they forgot to page me and, by the time I looked up from the log of one of Lowe's wartime ships and noticed how late it was, the photocopying department was closed). I'll have a look at that voyage and those before and after it, if someone can't provide you with an answer quicker (next time I'll be able to get out there will be after I get back from the States in mid-September).


From the crew list in The Ship that Stood Still it is plain that there was no stewardess on Californian during her notorious voyage.

It is not impossible that a stewardess may have been carried on other voyages, as Californian sometimes carried passengers.

The woods are full of people who were supposedly on one of the ships involved in the affair. I know of three phoneys here in Adelaide on the other side of the world. The number in the UK and the USA would be mindboggling.