Californian's boilers

For you engineers. I did a search but couldn't find what I was looking for. When the California stopped for the night and around the time when the rockets were observed what state would the California's boilers have been in? Hypothetically if the radio operator was awoken after the rockets were seen and Titanic's condition was found out could the California have just opened her stop valves and throttle and taken off or would she need to build up pressure. And if so how long would that take? I'm sure this has been covered but I couldn't find it. Thanks...SC.
Not too sure if this fact will help, but Californian's boilers were built at the Lilybank Foundry in Dundee, Scotland.

Edit: Each boiler possibly weighed 50 tons each (I'm not 100% certain, so treat this fact with caution).
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I think the California's boilers would have been banked (kept hot) - except at least one boiler would have been supplying steam to generate electric power and other auxiliary steam loads. I think they should have been ready to answer bells rather quickly, after warming up steam lines, checking valve lineups, etc. - minutes, not hours. The fireroom and engine-room crews had probably become somewhat lethargic - requiring a little bit of extra time to spring into action.

I know nothing about California's engineering plant, so I'm going by my general understanding of steam propulsion.
Additional thoughts.

Most engine-order telegraphs of that vintage typically had, besides, "1/3 ahead," etc., also "finished with engines," and "standby engines." I think "standby engines" would have been rung down. But, the bridge watch would have probably called down, by voice telephone, and advised, "We're stopped in ice, but after daylight, we hope to get underway again." That would tell the bellow-deck engineering crew everything they needed to know. They would have taken it from there.
Thanks for that info Doug. The reason I ask is because I want to know if Capt Lord and the California did everything right if it would have made a difference. I know this has been debated probably as far back as the morning Carpathia was picking up survivors. All I've read on it and the political motivations of the inquiries leads me to believe that Capt Lord was made a scapegoat to deflect from others screw ups. Sure there are things he did wrong like not getting the radio operator to have a listen but would it have made a difference?
Just an FYI, Californian's telegraph went to 'standby' a little after 5 in the morning, but steam was kept up all night. It would not have taken her very long to get underway. The only difference that she could have made is possibly picking up some of the survivors that Carpathia did later on. The numbers of those lost and saved would not have changed much, if at all. When Lord Mersey declared, "
she [Californian] might have saved many if not all of the lives that were lost," he probably was smoking dope.
Thank you for the replies gentlemen. I'm not familiar with ships telegraphs. Never seen one in person. The 2 years I lived aboard my ship I never saw the bridge. I dont't even know if my carrier had a telegraph like the ones you describe. The one thing that has always stood out to me about whether Captain Lord was a good guy or a bad guy was that he stopped his ship when the conditions became unsafe. That action alone tells me he was a responsible captain looking out for the safety of his ship and passengers. Were there mistakes made? Absolutely by all parties that night. But show me a tragic event where there wern't mistakes made. Its my belief that Captain Lord was judged unfairly IMHO.
Hi Steven,

The point Sam also inferred was that Captain Lord gave explicit instructions to Chief Engineer Mahan to keep steam up after they were stopped in the ice.

The "in case some big fellows come crunching along" has been argued over at some length on another thread that we have all participated in. The Californian was ready to move under steam at a few minutes notice, with the closed or partially closed dampers to the ashpans being fully opened and the blowers turned on the create a draught on the fires, and the fires raked through and fresh coal added little and often.

After a few minutes more the triple expansion reciprocating engine would have been able to have been given full steam in skilled hands of the firemen/stockers.

The Californian could have responded very quickly. It was not 'shut down' for the night. The only thing shut down for the night was apparently the wireless on Evans going to bed earlier than usual at 11.35pm, if the magnetic detector was in fact fully wound down.

The coal shortage does not appear to have affected The Californian at all as it is never mentioned by anyone at anytime from The Californian.

Captain Lord decided not to go to bed in his bunk in his cabin but to in effect to 'stay up' on a short uncomfortable settee in the Chart Room immediately below the flying bridge where the telegraph to the engine room and Stone and on and off Gibson were located for the next 4 hours. Captain Lord decided to remain fully dressed and with the lights on; and with the boilers kept at 'steam up', Captain Lord and his ship were supposedly alert during that night and ready at a few minutes notice to respond to any danger presented to his ship.

The danger that presented itself was not "some big fellows coming crunching along" but something quite else.


Hello Julian.

Not quite correct. Lord was regulating his coal consumption to provide a fair-weather speed of 11 knots.
"Q: What is the average speed of the steamship Californian under fair conditions?
A: It would depend upon the consumption of coal.
Q: What speed do you attempt to make?
A: On our present consumption we average 11 in fine weather
Then in the UK:
"Q: What is her full speed?
A: - It depends on the consumption of coal. Do you mean on a full consumption of coal?....A2 = 12 1/2 to 13.

Californian left the UK on April 5, bound for Boston. At that time, the National Coal Strike was still in full swing. it did not end until the next day, April 6 so obvioulsy Captain Lord was conserving his bunkers.
Hi Jim,

Thank you for the above. Not sure I exactly follow what you allude to. Can you perhaps expand please?

Ergo if The Californian had only enough coal to get to Boston at a reduced speed, it did pretty well that awful night and the following morning in the sense that Captain Lord ordered to keep steam up (and not conserve coal) and there was quite a bit of extra mileage the next morning until after noon that wasn't planned for. The Californian had quite an easy crossing of The Atlantic in very favourable conditions.

I don't think The Californian went as fast as Captain Lord suggested after the official CQD message from The Virginian was received early that morning.

If his vessel went faster, it implies a longer distance travelled in the rescue attempt that morning, and if he went slower, he was closer than he let on!

Either way, I don't think The Californian was short of coal, and it left from the Port of London which might be of significance.

The allied question is why the Leyland Line sent it at all to Boston if there was a coal shortage, and what on earth was aboard as a cargo or being loaded on at Boston. I have yet to find any evidence of either.

Also, why no passengers on the trip to Boston when lots of passenger ships were laid up in the UK due to the coal shortage?


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Just an FYI, Californian's telegraph went to 'standby' a little after 5 in the morning, but steam was kept up all night. It would not have taken her very long to get underway. The only difference that she could have made is possibly picking up some of the survivors that Carpathia did later on. The numbers of those lost and saved would not have changed much, if at all. When Lord Mersey declared, "
she [Californian] might have saved many if not all of the lives that were lost," he probably was smoking dope.
I think this has been covered on previous threads.
But I am in agreement with you as to question of how many would have been saved by Californian.
And most certainly not "many if if not all of the lives that were lost."
Not being an expert on the matter, but my questions are.:
If all the 2200 or so could have been transported to Californian safely , would the ship have been able to stand just the human weight alone, and provide much comfort for them and transport them safely to New York ?
I am also assuming things would have been much better in the case of Carpathia, but would they on Carpathia have been able to attend to all the 2200 or so ?
It seems to me the only possible solution would have been to have the survivors distributed to not one ship, but several ?
But certainly IMHO maybe "some" , but maybe not "many"(?) , but certainly "not all" could have been saved by Californian ?
These questions are better left to the expert's opinions on the matter ?
Hi Jim,

Thank you for the above. Not sure I exactly follow what you allude to. Can you perhaps expand please?

Ergo if The Californian had only enough coal to get to Boston at a reduced speed, it did pretty well that awful night and the following morning in the sense that Captain Lord ordered to keep steam up (and not conserve coal) and there was quite a bit of extra mileage the next morning until after noon that wasn't planned for. The Californian had quite an easy crossing of The Atlantic in very favourable conditions.

I don't think The Californian went as fast as Captain Lord suggested after the official CQD message from The Virginian was received early that morning.

If his vessel went faster, it implies a longer distance travelled in the rescue attempt that morning, and if he went slower, he was closer than he let on!

Either way, I don't think The Californian was short of coal, and it left from the Port of London which might be of significance.

The allied question is why the Leyland Line sent it at all to Boston if there was a coal shortage, and what on earth was aboard as a cargo or being loaded on at Boston. I have yet to find any evidence of either.

Also, why no passengers on the trip to Boston when lots of passenger ships were laid up in the UK due to the coal shortage?



I assume keeping steam up on a ship that was stationary would still require only a very small amount of coal to stop pressure dropping? Shoveling excessive amounts on would cause the pressure to rise too quickly and blow steam to waste?
Hi Jim,

Thank you for the above. Not sure I exactly follow what you allude to. Can you perhaps expand please?

Ergo if The Californian had only enough coal to get to Boston at a reduced speed, it did pretty well that awful night and the following morning in the sense that Captain Lord ordered to keep steam up (and not conserve coal) and there was quite a bit of extra mileage the next morning until after noon that wasn't planned for. The Californian had quite an easy crossing of The Atlantic in very favourable conditions.

I don't think The Californian went as fast as Captain Lord suggested after the official CQD message from The Virginian was received early that morning.

If his vessel went faster, it implies a longer distance travelled in the rescue attempt that morning, and if he went slower, he was closer than he let on!

Either way, I don't think The Californian was short of coal, and it left from the Port of London which might be of significance.

The allied question is why the Leyland Line sent it at all to Boston if there was a coal shortage, and what on earth was aboard as a cargo or being loaded on at Boston. I have yet to find any evidence of either.

Also, why no passengers on the trip to Boston when lots of passenger ships were laid up in the UK due to the coal shortage?


Hi Julian...good to see you back...missed you DA input and testing questions. Allow me to clarify bits of the previous post.

Back in my day and in the time of the Californian, there was a little formula whereby Ship Masters could regulate the amount of coal they used. i.e. they could choose an optimum speed that would allow them to arrive in port in good time but at an economic speed and with a desired amount of reserve coal. The latter was necessary since a delay caused by fog in that part of the world would need maximum speed when it cleared to catch up. Obviously, this was nothing to do with the coal strike but very handy when there might be a shortage of bunker top-up at your next port. or indeed if and when there was a coal strike.
The records I have seen show that Californian was a 12 .5 knot ship. As built, she had two Scotch Boilers feeding a single triple expansion steam engine. Her consumption of coal at her full service speed of 12.5 knots would typically have been about 32 tons/day. To find out how much fuel he could save at 1 knot slower, Captain Lord would have worked the following calculation.
New Consumption C = new speed squared
old consumption c...........old speed squared.
C = 32 x 121 = 24.8 tons..

It follows that Lord was, as the 3rd Officer Pitman of Titanic said.."studying the coal" and had reckoned that if he reduced speed by 1 .5 knots, he would save 7.2 tons of coal a day.

During the time Californian was stopped. the Deck and Engine Room Crews carried on with their normal watch routine. Therefore. the full complement of the boiler room would be on duty at any one time. Getting underweigh would be a matter of minutes from the time Standby Engines was rung down by Captain Lord.

When Captain Lord was first asked in the US about the speed he was making as he headed for the distress position, he replied "Oh, we made 13 and 13 1/2 the day we were going down to the Titanic.
In the UK he stated : "We were driving all we possibly could. The chief engineer estimates the speed at 13 1/2. I estimate it at 13."
So there is a consistency there.

However, the question should be asked: How how did Lord estimate his speed? The Californian was operating in ice, she would not have streamed her patent log, so Lord had only one method of determining speed...engine RPM speed over a period of time.
If the theoretical speed was 13.5 as per the Chief Engineer then Lord thought the actual speed was nearer to 13 knots. we can check this against independent evidence.
In his evidence, Lord implied that he cleared the heavy ice at 6-30 pm and we know that 10 minutes after that, when Groves was called, the engines were running at Full Ahead.
We also know from Captain Rostron that Californian arrived alongside Carpathia at 8-30 pm, 2 hours later. it follows that Californian's engines had been running at full for 2 hours then she covered a distance of 26 miles during that time.
From Captain Rostron, we know that Californian was about 5 or 6 miles away on the far side of the ice at or near to 8 pm. Let's say this uses up 6 miles of the 26 steamed from 6-30 am. leaving 20 miles steamed from 6-30 pm.
From Captain Moore of the Mount Temple, we know that Californian passed going southward at about 7-30 am. At 13 knots, this used up another 6.5 miles, leaving 13.5 miles steamed from 6-30 am when Californian cleared the ice at 6-30 am. Given that Captain Rostron thought Californian was 5 or 6 miles away when he first saw her, it looks to me that Captain Lord's estimate of his ship's speed was remarkably accurate.
Hi Jim,

Thank you for the above.

My own experience is with steam locomotives, and I agree with you that there is an 'optimum' power output for a certain engine, above which efficiency falls quite markedly if the engine is pressed for power (or in your example speed) beyond the optimum.

The problem I have with all this is twofold at this stage:-

1. Captain Lord could reasonably have expected heavy swells and gales in The Atlantic, and I take it that as a result, The Californian's triple expansion engine and the boilers would have been running beyond the optimum, and with far more coal being used.

2. Captain Lord had never done the North Atlantic run before as a Captain (or at least there is no evidence to the contrary). (The journey log is reproduced in Reade's book).

As a result, Captain Lord had no experience as to how much coal The Californian would use on this run to Boston, and unusually from London, not Liverpool. It is possible that others might have had this previous knowledge and was recorded, but there is no evidence of this now or at the time.

The Californian's usual journey was from Liverpool to down south in the USA.

Encountering the favourable Atlantic conditions, Captain Lord naturally steamed The Californian to Boston at optimum conditions for a triple expansion engine which, unlike a steam locomotive, can be fine tuned for a certain power output and consequent coal consumption. But he could have encountered much more challenging conditions in The North Atlantic requiring a higher coal consumption.

What surprises me (as stated yesterday) is that The Californian left London at all, and with no passengers, and no one mentions the cargo. In 1912 in the UK, the demand/supply applied to coal prices in the UK Railway Companies and the domestic market, and the Shipping Companies saw significant price rises in coal due to the strike, if you could get the supplies in the first place.

'The Engineer', a UK journal of all things engineering including Shipping and Railways, regularly published monthly the coal exchange figures and prices per ton of coal of different grades/seams/collieries of the UK, and can be accessed on Graces Guide on the internet these days.

