Captain Smiths home in Waterloo Liverpool 1898 - 1907

Captain Smith and I share the same house in ~Waterloo Liverpool England.
He lived here in 1898 to 1907 and there are so many interesting snippets of social history never before recorded against his time in Waterloo.
For example he was awarded a medal by King Edward whilst living here, imagine the parties?
His daughter was born here in Waterloo, it was here in this house that Mel would say 'she was only ever allowed into the smoking parlour if she was absolutely still so as not to disturb the blue plume of smoke around here papa's head'His mother inlaw lived here too...
His telephone number was Waterloo 271, Bruce Ismay lived just 100 yards away
This list is NOT endless but very interesting never the less, read my book about life in 1898 a story of social history and then my own amazing connection...., I bought this house because of a dream.....
Read the book The Captain TITANIC and Me, available through Captain Smith | A Titanic Family Man


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