Cargo Manifest

There is a cargo manifest shown here on ET. There is no reference as to the contributor of this list or its provenance.

Does anyone know?

Any input would be appreciated.

Rosanne MacIntyre
Hi Roseanne,

The authentic cargo list for the Titanic has become lost over the years, those appearing on ET and in other published works are actually that from the maiden voyage of Olympic, and this list is only meant to represent the type of items Titanic would have been carrying.

Best Regards,

>>The authentic cargo list for the Titanic has become lost over the years, those appearing on ET and in other published works are actually that from the maiden voyage of Olympic, and this list is only meant to represent the type of items Titanic would have been carrying<<

Errr...Brian, I think you may have the cargo manifest confused with the provisions that would normally be carried by an Olympic Class liner. Jack Eaton and Charlie Haas have had a copy of the manifest and used it in their book, "Titanic, Triumph & Tragedy." I'm sure they'ed be surprised to learn that the manifest they've had all along is no longer extant.
Many thanks for the input. I noticed that the photocopies of the pages in T&T show the names of different owners than those shown on the list here.

I have finally gotten approval from Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company to go to their offices and examine their books on the cargo loss paid by them on Titanic's cargo.

They have kept their records in a private room all these years. They also have a model of the Titanic sinking which I hope to get pictures of on my visit. They approved my bringing a camera.

I have no clue what gems I'm going to find, but I'm really excited about this!!

Rosanne MacIntyre
>>have finally gotten approval from Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company to go to their offices and examine their books on the cargo loss paid by them on Titanic's cargo.<<

Wow! Good news there! I hope there's an article in that for publication!
When I was writing an article for the Titanic Commutator about 40 years ago, I came across this list of provisions for the Olympic's trans-Atlantic crossing. I presume the Titanic had a similar list of provisions for her voyage:

Fresh Meat 75,000 lbs
Fresh Fish 11,000 lbs
Salt & dried fish 4,000 lbs
Bacon and Ham 7,500 lbs
Poultry and game 25,000 lbs
Fresh Eggs 40,000
Sausages 2,500 lbs
Potatoes 40 tons
Onions 3,500 lbs
Tomatoes 3,500 lbs
Fresh Asparagus 800 bundles
Fresh Green Peas 2,500 lbs
Lettuce 7,000 heads
Sweetbreads 1,000
Ice Cream 1,750 lbs
Coffee 2,200 lbs
Tea 800 lbs
Rice,dried beans etc.10,000 lbs
Sugar 10,000 lbs
Flour 250 barrels
Cereals 10,000 lbs
Apples 36,000
Oranges 36,000
Lemons 16,000
Grapes 1,000 lbs
Grapefruit 13,000
Jams and Marmalade 1,120 lbs
Fresh Milk 1,500 gal
Fresh Cream 1,200 qts
Condensed Milk 600 gals
Fresh Butter 6,000 lbs
Ales and Stout 15,000 bottles
Wines 1,000 bottles
Spirits 850 bottles
Minerals 1,200 bottles
Cigars 8,000

Robert H. Gibbons
From a Titanic book I recently bought from the Irish Folk and Transport Museum, there is a great description of what the Titanic carried , some of the stuff that you have'nt mentioned.I will scan the page and upload, if you are interested.

David Donald
>>I will scan the page and upload, if you are interested.<<

Make sure you have the permission of the author of that book or whomever the current holder of the copyright happens to be to do so. Copyright issues are taken very seriously on this forum.