The secret cargo on board the RMS Titanic

Thanks Geoff

I can already hear the hordes of Titanic lovers running to their bosses for return trip holidays to some exotic climes!!! /ch{

Oh for a boss like Henry Ford today!!!


I have it on good authority that the secret cargo was a supply of the (then) newly discovered material known as unobtainium. They had so much trouble getting this material that none was actually in the strongbox. Naturally, it was closely guarded. In recent years unobtainium has become more difficult to find because so much of it is used in sailboat hardware. That's why owning a winning sailboat is so expensive, or so I am told. Recently, I talked to a scuba diver who had been contracted to recover the unobtainium from Titanic, but he gave up the contract when realized that obtaining unobtanium was impossible.

-- David G. Brown
What, no diamonds, rubies or sapphires? What about a mysterious, cursed mummy that caused the Titanic to sink! Do you think it's still sitting down there in an airtight compartment? Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!

I found your intrigue regarding a proposed cargo aboard Titanic very interesting.

If you'd like to see some source material on the procedures for storing gold aboard liners of the period, you should visit:

Gold Storage

If gold were lost (or other valuables), there would be no reason to file a claim because OSNC was protected by limitations of liability:

See: Self Insured Without Recourse

and, finally, in April, 1912, no gold was leaving the US for France (and, therefore, most likely not to England either), which would suggest that gold was moving in the other direction - coming to the US. See our study of US-France gold exports/imports, at:

Martin Bayerle
Hi, Martin!

> in April, 1912, no gold was leaving the US for >France (and, therefore, most likely not
> to England either), which >would suggest that gold was moving in the other >direction - coming to
> the US.

Thank you for posting that fascinating information! Very informative!

Hey, Geoff, what's your reaction to this new information? Speaking for myself, I'd say that our private discussion about Titanic's cargo (and the interest that certain "officials" have shown in that cargo) has just taken on a new lease on life.

All my best,

Speaking of secret cargo. There was this guy I used to talk to who said there was an Alien Spaceship on board the Titanic and the officers knew about it.

I know this is totally NOT true. I havent heard from the guy who told me about this in over two years and I am kinda glad. I think he was a little strange.

Not true, Colin...they tried, but...I'm still on the street and posting again....

I am also intrigued that almost every ship that has ever gone down is reputed to have held some mysterious 'secret' cargo. Lusitania, half the Spanish Armada, several U-Boats, the Japanese submarine I52, and now Titanic ?

Is this wishful thinking or what ?

Just a thought,

John M
a church in Cambridge MA had ordered a pair of stone or marble satues, that were shipped on Titanic. After the sinking, they ordered a replacement pair, which can be found at the church today.

Tarn Stephanos