Charles John HURST

Miss Lisa J Beare said:
Michael Hurst was not his true name. His real name was Louis Frank Hurst. His daughter Pauline confirmed to me that everyone called him Mick but did not know why. My mother told me that I was named after Uncle ‘Mick’ and Pauline confirmed it. I knew Uncle Mick, his wife Hilda and their daughters Pauline and Mercia when they lived in Nursling. I can tell you some facts about them!
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Clive Keevil said:
I knew your mother Pauline, her parents ‘Mick’ (real name Louis Frank Hurst) visited their house/shop in Nursling as a young boy. I have real stories to tell of them. Anty Hilda was my mothers sister!
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Hello Michael,

Please note that Lisa Beare is not a member of the forum and hasn't accessed it, in 18 years. Therefore, it is unlikely she will see your post.

Hi Clive.
How do we make contact direct to share family history other than related to Titanic disaster? My email address is so please get in touch.
Kind regards, Mike Hansford, cousin of your mother Pauline
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