Charles Pellegrino is NOT a bad writer!

Hi Y'all

Looking through the Charles Pellegrino section of his books, I've seen that many talk down to his books, saying they're false information, and that he makes up information.

This is not true. I have read "Farewell Titanic: Her Final legacy" and nothing from what I have seen is incorrect, or it was simply outdated information. At the end, he even has 2-30 pages of notes, and the sources of where he got this information.

I bet, for his earlier books, they were written from outdated or second hand sources, as what was the same for James Cameron's 1997 "Titanic" Movie, and that's why people think he "made up" information. I'll be reading his "Ghosts of the Titanic" book very soon and I can't wait.

Helen Candee standing on the Bow? Who knows, story, or something was mixed up. (Ms. Candee also made up things during the sinking, like she was thrown to the deck or something, yet no one else corroborates this. See Jim Kalfus's post on FaceBook)

Anyway, thanks for reading.
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No, regurgitation is not necessary or encouraged. There are enough other discussions of the merits of Mr. Pelligrino's writings where the subject can be addressed if any further discussion is appropriate.

Moderator's hat off.
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