Charles Valentine and Ada Clarke

Yes please, Mary, I for one would be interested to see photos of houses occupied by Ada West after she returned to Cornwall. A possible family relationship between the two Adas remains unlikely in my opinion.
Hello Barry,
I am sorry if some of the details in the biography about Charles and Ada Clarke appear incorrect. The information regarding Charles Clarke came from parish records that I searched, while Ada Clarke's death was given from information passed to me in good faith. While I do try to check my sources, there is always the chance of error, and I am sorry if this has occured. The details regarding Ada Clarke's account come from a number of newspapers, and while I don't have the information to hand at the moment, I could find it if you are interested. I hope that does not sound as if I'm being difficult, it is just since moving house last November, my Titanic notes have been in storage.
Hi Craig,
Thanks for replying. I agree that all information taken in good faith is subject to error. Whilst enquiring with the the parish secretary about Ada's and May's burial records he stated that Ada died on the 12 Feb 1953 which is not what is on her headstone! I would very much like to see the the details about Ada when you can get around to it
I received an email from a student in the USA who's been cast as "Caroline Neville" in a production of Maury Yeston's Titanic...

Caroline Neville ( I assume she is a fictional character) has been written as "an upper-class British woman who runs away with Charles Clarke" to get married against her parents whishes. She assumes Charles Clarke is Charles Valentine Clarke and that Caroline is based on Ada Maria Clarke. Charles and Ada were married in 1908 four years before going on Titanic. I can't find the storyline to this musical. Has anyone got any ideas about this "character" and is this musical based on actual facts?
Judy Blazer, who played Caroline Neville in the original Broadway production, had this to say about her character and that of Charles Clarke: "They were real characters but I don't think we know very much about them. The names are real and they were actual passengers but I think that the story within the show is fictional". This is certainly the case for a number of other characters like the Beanes in Second Class - it seems that the name was appealing to the writers, but Edgar and Alice Beane in the musical have nothing whatever in common with the real Edward and Ethel Beane.
Barry, I played Caroline in the same musical. I think I may be able to help you with that part. (unless you have seen the musical since your last post 6 years ago)

Caroline is based somewhat off of Ada Maria. Yet, in the musical, Caroline and Charles are only engaged, and are not yet married, yet sharing the same cabin.

She was a second class passenger in the musical (as I'm led to believe Ada is in real life). The part is somewhat small for both Charles and Caroline.

As Caroline gets into the lifeboat, everyone is singing a song called "We'll Meet Tomorrow" and towards the end everyone stops, except Charles who continues on, singing "Come say you love me as I kiss your eyes. Let one brief moment make eternal ties." Which, I guess can signify marriage.

I enjoyed playing this role and was excited to find this page, because I've recently been fascinated with Titanic, and Charles and Ada.

If I can help anymore, I'd be glad to!