Choose your favorite Officer


Well, you're both good looking blokes, too.
Well Moody could of played Prince Valiant in an early silent and made many a young girls heart flutter. I'm too much of a stick. Only the Florence Nightingales or Clara Bartons would have me. But thanks for the compliment. I feel pretty now. Which isn't to often anymore. Most days I'm a dodo head meany.


Thanks for your kind words on the article, George
Nonsense, you deserve more of them after your hard work.


I've been toying with the idea of a series choronicling his short life, as there's more than one incident in it that's worth recounting.
Fantastic, I figured there was more adventure after reading of his early days. Good luck and lemme know the good pits.


George,yes you do have silmlar looks.
Thank you Alyson, I think I could pass for a distant cousin from the States perhaps if I ever decided to pay the Moody's a visit with the Tardis. Except I'd try to warn Moody and where would we be. Moody would be swell til a paradox hit. Better leave things alone and be glad I could play the Actor playing Moody's stunt double. Thanks again for the compliment though. If I could look like any of the officers I'd pick Moody hands down. The Fates are kind sometimes.​
hey george,i like you're sence of humour,wait a sec, you even got james's humour lol.

Hey i can't wait for inger's story,ive never spoken to some one that has got real direct contact with james moody's family. I feel like i actually getting to know james moody that lived 100 years before my time. I'm so excited.

I wouldn't say I have Moody's humor. Folks tended to be more serious minded then. I'm glad you got a laugh out of my ramblings.


I feel like i actually getting to know james moody that lived 100 years before my time. I'm so excited.

Yes, it's fascinating seeing a person's life get illuminated and find out all the interesting things about them and that happened to them.

Inger, also has a Biography about Fifth Officer Harold G. Lowe coming out someday soon. Should be a very interesting. Lowe's one of the more popular Officers and was remembered fondly by a lot of survivors and their family's. Lowe kept in touch with quite a few and received gifts commemorating his saving of their lives.​
Really,moody was more a serious minded!I don't really know how people thought back in those days, so i go with what you are saying.

Wow is Inger a Titanic book writer?If so WOW.
If i can remember correctly i think i know little bit of lowe.I think he was really rough around the edges and he was not shy in stating what he felt like,he evan had one girl hating him cause of his loud mouth lol. Yes that's another one i would like to read about. Lowe was a big charcter of the Titanic.
How come i don't really hear much about J Boxhill and H Pittmann,were they shy men. Is that why there not documentry as much as the rest of the officer's?

There's been some discussion on the board on why Pitman hasn't had such a high profile as his colleagues, Alyson. I suspect it's because he was not the senior surviving officer, he was not on watch, and he was ordered away quite early in the evacuation. He didn't have Lowe's colourful personality either, and so did not capture the imagination of the press at the time or of subsequent authors. I don't think he was particularly shy - as a ship's purser, I would assume he had some personal charm of manner - but in later years he was reluctant to discuss the disaster.

Boxhall has attracted quite a lot of interest from the time he appeared as an important witness who was the only surviving officer on watch at the time of the collision and as a participant in several key events, such as attempts to signal the "mystery ship", calculating the Titanic's position, signalling the Carpathia etc. He was a fairly quiet individual, highly intelligent.

George, you might have more in common with Moody's personality than you think - he was remembered by shipmates as having quite a mischievous sense of humour.
Hi Inger,now i'm understading why thanks!

George listen to Inger about you and james's humour She's right.
I can tell how you post that you got something like what Inger stated-mischievous sense of humour.


George listen to Inger about you and Jame's humour She's right.
Yes she's a clever and very astute lady.


I can tell how you post that you got something like what Inger stated-mischievous sense of humour.

Awh seems your astute as well, Alyson. True, I can be pretty mischievous humor wise. I guess and hope Moody and I would get on.

As For Pitman and Boxhall I always thought they were gallant men but they never perked my interest. Although I remember Pitman becoming a purser because he decided his eyes weren't good enough for a Deck Officer. I thought in my younger days that was a clever idea. I had no practicality then so I admired it in others like Pitman. He had a good head on his shoulders but I could really say that about any of the Officers. All of them have bottom in their own ways. Good solid men.​
Yeah i heard that pitman had bad eye site later on.
I'm sure moody would of made a great pal.Pitman and Boxhill there the least talked about officer's of the Titanic.
I think i heard about them last of all the officer's but maybe cause what igner had stated that both of them left the ship really early.
Hey has inger finshed her book yet?I hope she has not forgotten us,i really inerested in her story!
Hi Alyson,

I think Inger's still plucking away on the Bio and checking her details and facts. She's a busy lady with a full time job among many other things she does. She hasn't forgotten.
Least profiled of the officers has to be Chief Officer H.T. Wilde. Although a stand out in the movie, it was just a movie. Because so little is know about him on the night the ship sank, he interests me quite a bit. Officer Boxhall when you hear recordings he did for the BBC, I find he has a nice quality about him. W.M. Murdoch I have a soft place for because he had such a central role in the sinking, yet there is still much we likely will never know about him during that period and that's a double edged sword. Purser McElroy and The Ship's Doctor seemed like very colorful gentleman. Others are talked about quite a bit. I find it hard to find an officer I don't like. But of course not meeting them or being there that night or on that voyage, could have swayed my votes. Fun to think about though.
I'm a james moody fan but officer Wilde strucks my eye!
Wilde is another officer after James that i think about, manily cause his photo drew and last name drew me in.There's something about his last name i love!

>>Purser McElroy and The Ship's Doctor<<
What? I thought McElory was a Chief Purser? I never of thought he was a Doctor at all.