Cross-channel passengers (dates of death)


The only one I know is Jack Dudley Odell, who passed away in 1995. He was the last living first class survivor.


Correction on my above posting: Odell would not be considered a survivor, as he was not on the ship when it sank. In fact, he was cruising through Ireland in a rented Star Landulette automobile.
Didn't the little Lenox-Conyngham girl die in 1997? Sorry I forgot her name and don't have my books to check up on that. She was travelling first class as far as Cherbourg.
Hello Daniel,

I wish I could help, but I'm afraid I have no information on her. The only cross channel passengers I know anything about was the Odells and Mays. There doesn't seem to be a great deal of information available on these passengers; likely because they didn't experience the tragedy itself.

