Cruise ship Voyager issues distress call

Not a pretty picture there. A ship adrift and without engine power is at the mercy of anything until they can get the propulsion plant going again. I hope the French can bring a lot of helicopters to this show. If they have to evacuate the ship, they'll need them.
I have to wonder how many of us felt a slight pang of disapointment that the ship didnt sink....
I certianly didnt wish ill will on anyone, but I caught myself saying "damn" when word was the ship was fine...
Perhaps its no different than a tornado tracker being disapointed when destructive tornadoes don't appear...

Perhaps i need to cut down on the shipwreck books I have been reading....


Tarn Stephanos
>>I have to wonder how many of us felt a slight pang of disapointment that the ship didnt sink.... <<

I wouldn't be one of them. I like a happy ending. Not every ship which has a mishap like this is as lucky. Sounds like the crew did a crackerjack job getting those two engines back on line. I'm not sure they would have survived if they hadn't. All else aside, getting things running beats the indignity of being towed in.
It's a bit worrying that the engines could quit, merely through rough weather and some water on the bridge. It wouldn't have happened on Titanic, or the fictional Nan Shan. (If you've never read Typhoon, get hold of it).

I saw some video of the ship in the storm on TV. It sure looked rough. I fancy she stuck her bow under a big one, rather than being overwhelmed by the size of a wave.

Any comments from Captain Wood?
Nice pic of the liner in distress at the mercy of high seas in the Metro this morning. With the list, it reminded me of the Andrea Doria.

One of the passengers was called Boz Texino. Imposter!


I would hate to think how close they may have come to zero moment but I don't believe another Waratah Disaster isn't impossible either. The only thing that really has changed is that we will know instantly that something is wrong and where but not what.]
Thanks Micheal


Michael wrote:

I wouldn't be one of them. I like a happy ending. Not every ship which has a mishap like this is as lucky. Sounds like the crew did a crackerjack job getting those two engines back on line. I'm not sure they would have survived if they hadn't. All else aside, getting things running beats the indignity of being towed in.