Cunard White Star's Ten Largest

I made one for Cunard/Cunard White Star... I don't have the years or the tonnage (I don't have a handy source at my fingers right now) but here it is... NOTE: some ships are previous White Star ships...

1) Queen Mary 2 (building)
2) Queen Elizabeth 2
3) Queen Elizabeth
4) Queen Mary
5) Majestic
6) Imperator/Berengaria
7) Aquitania
8) Olympic
9) Mauretania
10) Georgic
No, the Caronia (the current one) is less than thirty tons... 27,000, I think... I have absolutely no idea about the previous Caronias... I made this list rather quickly; I also overlooked the Sea Goddess 1 and Sea Goddess 2...

I saw in a source that Queen Elizabeth 2 was the largest in the world for a while, meaning bigger than the first QE. I guess that they took QE1 off of the list since it was scrapped... I'm working on a revision; I'll have it up soon.
I'm working on the revision; the Sea Goddesses were only 5,000 tons approx. I thought they were bigger. And yes, Greg, the Caronia from 1947 is slightly bigger than the Georgic.
I believe that this is a more accurate version... With approximate tonnage (I didn't get to the exact, but it gives you an idea...)

1) Queen Mary 2 (building) approx. 150,000 tons
2) Queen Elizabeth approx. 84,000 tons
3) Queen Mary approx. 83,000 tons
4) Queen Elizabeth 2 approx. 70,000 tons
5) Majestic approx. 56,000 tons
6) Imperator/Berengaria approx. 52,000 tons
7) Aquitania approx. 46,000 tons
8) Olympic approx. 45,000 tons
9) Royal Viking Sun approx. 37,000 tons
10) Maurentania II approx. 35,000 tons

If it is incorect, please, feel free to correct it...

In 1920 Olympic's GRT was re-registered as 46,439 tons. She thus was able to hold the title as the largest British built liner through the rest of her career.

Hello, Gabriel---

You wrote:

3.Queen Mary
3.Queen Elizabeth 2

Does the fact that these are both number "3" mean you're saying they were the same size? If so, that's not correct; QM was a significantly larger ship---10,000 tons or so---than QE2 is.

And why'd you drop Royal Viking Sun?