Dave Gittins' Book or rather CD-Rom on the British Inquiry

I wonder what it is with some browsers that they choke on things like that? PayPal is just about everywhere and makes life so much easier when trying to get something on-line. Seems kind of silly to produce a browser that won't work with some of the most popular services on the 'net.

In any event, I got my copy of the CD a couple of days ago and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Dave again shows his talant for taking some very complicated matters as well as technical isues and explaining them in a nice down to earth fashion that just about anyone can understand. That's quite a rare gift.
I have changed my web site to give a better idea of the features of my e-book. It now includes screen shots of the e-book. The on-screen citations and references are demonstrated and the index is shown.

The spiel starts at Titanic: Monument and Warning

The screen shots are a bit slow to download. I might drop one or two if I get enough grizzles!
Apparently some people, including an ET member of unimpeachable sagacity, have been having problems finding the purchasing instructions on my web site.

I've made a few changes that should help.
I've recently found that some Titanic fans are reading the first part of my web site, about navigation, under the impression that it's the beginning of my e-book.

A good deal of my site, suitably updated, is included in the e-book, but it amounts to no more than 10% of the whole.

For details about the e-book, go to

Titanic: Monument and Warning
My e-book has now been out for a year and has been sold to many nations, from Australia to Sweden.

I've still got plenty left, so get in early for Christmas. You'll learn a lot and meet important characters that many Titanic enthusiasts have never heard of.

For details about the e-book, go to

Titanic: Monument and Warning

For a special price for ET forum users, go to

In view of the sorry state of the US dollar, I've made a small reduction in the price of my e-book for ET users.

The updates page is growing. There's surprising news on the Gigantic story and some interesting material on the officers' certificates.
I'll have to check it out when I have the chance. Unfortunately, my work schedule is pretty demanding in the springtime. For the home improvement industry, March to May is our "Christmas time."
I've just added some interesting material about the 'black squad' to the Corrections and Updates page.

Early purchasers may not have been given access to this page. If you want the URL, contact me.

I'll keep the cut price mentioned above. The Aussie dollar is up against many currencies.
It's time to bash the plastic!

The Aussie dollar has gone down like Titanic, making the e-book cheaper, especially in US dollars. This happy state may not last, given the present antics of the financial world.
For those who have my e-book and access to the secret corrections page, have a look at clanger number 6. It's a real hoot! I must have been asleep to write something so dumb.

If you didn't spot it, shame on you!

For those who don't have the e-book, what's stopping you?
Dave, could you send me the link again? I lost it when my last computer bit the dust.

>>For those who don't have the e-book, what's stopping you?<<

At the risk of sounding like a shameless plugger, I have to wonder about that as well. If you want a work which gives a good overview of the event without a lot of romantic nonsense, this is something you've got to have.
Matthew, I did indeed get your e-mail. Since I sent your book, I've spotted a really funny mistake, which I've added to the clangers page. Check it out and enjoy my embarrassment.
Those who have my book should go to the secret Corrections and Updates page.

I have added a minor correction. Shame on those who missed the error!

Thanks to an e-mate, I have added new information about an obscure yet important figure at the British inquiry. It's a genuine exclusive. I've also mentioned a new and original book that is being prepared.

If you have a copy and haven't got access to the Corrections and Updates page, feel free to contact me. Early purchasers were not told of the page because it was a later innovation.

Those who don't have the book might like to take advantage of the falling Aussie dollar.