Jason D. Tiller
See these links:There is a theory that the ship rode over an underwater shelf and there is damage to the double bottom.
The Grounding of Titanic
Explores the hypothesis that that Titanic grounded on an underwater shelf of the iceberg....
Grounding of the Titanic
On 31 May 2001, the 90th anniversary of the launch of Hull SS401, David Brown presented a White Paper to a meeting of the Marine Forensic Panel in the offices of Gibbs & Cox, Crystal City, Arlington, VA. The White Paper was the result of a combined analysis of Titanic's collision by Dave Brown...
I doubt very much that RMS Titanic Inc., (salvor in possession) is going to rip open the hull to view the damage from the inside, and to prove or disprove the speculation, that the ship grounded. First of all, it would take an enormous amount of equipment to open the hull even further and a ton of money. Second, each boiler room is sealed by a watertight door making it impossible for a ROV to travel between boiler rooms. A ROV would have to take the long way down and it is quite possible, that it would end up being lost - similar to what happened in 2001, during filming of Ghosts of the Abyss. Third, opening up the hull would accelerate the deterioration by ten fold.it would be great to see the damage from the inside, if its not too late.
During his expedition in 2005, James Cameron attempted to explore Scotland Road but could not get far, due to amount of debris blocking access.