Descendants of survivors

Hello everyone,
We are a homeschooling family. I am leading my oldest child in a unit study of the Titanic (because she hates schooling but is obsessed with the Titanic).
My questions-
I realize that there are probably no survivors still living, but, are there families of survivors who have been cooperative with answering the tons of questions we all must have?
Specifically, does anyone know of survivor's families that we could correspond with (it would not be a lengthy correspondence)?

My other question--
Does anyone know where I could view the photo of
a man and little girl on the second-class prom. that is possibly Rev. John Harper and his daughter Nina?
Sorry for the lengthy post.
This site has been a wealth of info. I've enjoyed learning about the Titanic as much as my daughter has!
Hallo, Jennifer. Here's a link to a web page which has the picture you are looking for, as well as many others of the children of Titanic. The text is in French, but you'll find the pic easy enough - the section about the Harpers is about halfway down the page:

You're welcome, Jennifer. Regarding your other question, there are in fact three living survivors, all now very senior citizens who were far too young in 1912 to have any recollections to relate today. Two of these ladies have never wanted ever to be reminded of the disaster (understandable), and none would wish to correspond on the subject. If you want to talk to people who had relatives on the Titanic, that's no problem as there are several who are members here. Look through the threads in the Passenger Research section of the forum and you'll soon find some. Another good place to look is in the Readers' Comments and Guestbook sections.
Hello Jennifer,

Welcome aboard! Just to add to Bob's great suggestions, you may also wish to check the threads in General Titanica. A few descendants have also posted in there.
Please, can somebody help me.
I'm from Austria/Vienna.
I want to speak with somebody who know many details about the Titanic.
Maybe somebody have parents and they were on the Titanic..

Please contact me: [email protected]

[Moderator's note: This post was in the "Life on Board" topic, but has been moved to the pre-existing thread on the same subject. JDT]
Hello Nadine, Welcome aboard, I am Mauro of Argentina my grand uncle is Marshall Drew, passenger of Second Class and survivor of the tragedy.
Know to excuse my ingles.
As they have already informed to him they are the three survivors today.
Thanks for interes in the Titanic.
Of my distant country him my respect.
Its disposition has left
Hello Mauro,
thanks for your answer
I have so many questions...
how was it on titanic?
What happened really when the ship was sinking?
and many more
maybe your uncle have some pictures from the titanic
I've searched for people who are alive but i've found nothing.. (sorry for my english, i know it's very bad)
Are there any direct descendants that survived the Titanic who speak? Stories they heard from their family? Is there a way to know if or when they would speak about the event?

How accurate are the stories? For example, I would think the family of Jack Thayer might have some interesting family lore?
