Do you have a passion that rivals your Titanic interest

Not as intense as the Titanic, but the last voyage of the Lusitania also fascinates me.

Other interests include, the question of extraterrestrial life, Kennedy assassination, Martin Bormann, the life and death of Alfred Lowenstein, The era of the airships, PanAm Clippers, Mallory & Irvine's 1924 Everest expedition. the fate of Amelia Earhart, the failed Valkyrie plot to assassinate Hitler, the real story behind the Pied Piper of Hamelin etc.
Thanks for the info Chad! Great fix-up job on Barbie and nice Susi Goose furniature and Premier kitchen too! I do have a SL Francie from 1966-68 that I found at a flea market that I re-rooted with black hair! I'll load a finished Photo of Francie! Before and after the re-root and first paint job which doesn't look quite right!


and after~


We call her Nightlights Francie! Her cloths are things my daughter has lying around!
The recently released Valkyrie film was well made and even Tom Cruise, whom I generally don't like, did a good job in von Stauffenberg's role. I have been involved recently in some discussion about General Erich Fellegiebel and his part in the failed plot. History has looked rather unkindly at this Communications General, some observers even quoting his supposed failure to cut all communications after the bomb went off as the prime reason why Hitler's supporters were able to rally around. But the real situation was far more complicated and Fellegiebel was stuck with a near-impossible task that evening.
Hello Arun, I haven't seen the film yet! There was a lot of chaos and folks running around.


History has looked rather unkindly at this Communications General, some observers even quoting his supposed failure to cut all communications after the bomb went off as the prime reason why Hitler's supporters were able to rally around.
True and at least they tried to do something to stop Hitler! A lot of folks just sat back and did nothing. I'm surprised that there weren't more assassination attempts on Hitler!

Wasn't the British involved as well?​
>>>>> There is a Hindenburg site site......another thing that fascinates me.....<<<<<

In that case, you should get The book by the Hoehlings. Fascinating. Also, HINDENBURG: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORY. That covers other airship disasters as well.
The best Hindenburg site:

A few of my photos are on it. Patrick Russell, the creator, is one of a handful of researchers of whom I REALLY stand in awe. Great guy, but uttterly serious about getting it correct. Has worked with the family of Erich Spehl to offset the effects of the Hoehling/Mooney books. Has won the trust of the survivor/victim families he has worked with. I respect the standards he observes.... for instance, someone went into a hospital room and photographed the horribly burned teenager Irene Doehner shortly before her death. He has the photos, but will not use them.

An excellent site that deserves a lot of support.

Oh, and go over to Youtube and check out the film taken aboard the final voyage by Joseph Spah. You can identify many of the survivors and victims in it.

If you can read German, there is an excellent site regarding the cameras that survived the fire and crash.
Thanks Gents! Will look them all over!



someone went into a hospital room and photographed the horribly burned teenager Irene Doehner shortly before her death.

I saw that gritty photo were she is swathed in Bandages! Horrible picture! I saw it about 13 years ago and yet it's as clear as a bell in my memory! I think it was in a Scholastic School Book on the Hindenburg that I read in High School that features Irene's story along with her father and Mother and younger brothers!

Anyways thanks again all for the Links!​
I have to confess that the airship disaster that fascinates me more than any other, including the R101 & the Hindenburg, is that of the helium filled USS Shenandoah in September 1925. The logistics of the airship's break-up over an extended timeframe is unbelievable.
What interests me Arun is the fact that there were so many Airships breaking down and accidents in the early days like Airplanes and yet the Airship was abandoned and we still have the Airplane. Of course the Hindenburg played a major role in that decision! I wonder if the same thing would of happened if the Hindenburg was a passenger jet instead of a Airship.