Dr Washington Dodge

I recently found another Titanic connection to the 1919 financial scandal involving Dr. Dodge, which had resulted in his suicide. On January 14, 1919 Dr. Dodge was ousted from the presidency of the Federal Telegraph Company. Initially, certain of the dissendent shareholders took over. However, eventually, R.P. Schwerin took control. Schwerin, interestingly enough, ran the Pacific Mail Steamship company, which had leased White Star Line ships for its Pacific trade.
Here's a photograph of the Union Pacific Club Building, at Mason and California Streets in San Francisco. Dr. Dodge was a member of this club, as were many prominent other people.
Hi, could one of you lovely peeps clarify something for me, i have only just joined this site, but found conflicting info of Dr Dodge's page. The main portion said he and his family boarded at Cherbourg (which makes sense, as he was in France for treatment). however the quick go to box of info on the right, says that he boarded in Southampton. at first i figured it was a typo, but the same is shown on his family's pages as well. Which is the correct information please?

A secondary follow up, does anyone know what 'blood disease' he had? Sorry btw, if these have been asked previously, i did have a look through the comments, but haven't seen the same questions.