

I have had several dreams that I am on the Titanic as she is going down. They all follow the same general pattern. Since I am no believer in re-encarnation, I just thought it would be interesting to share this dream with the board.

I am in my cabin and I feel the "shudder" caused by the iceberg as it scrapes along the starboard side. The dream is so real, I can actually feel the shudder and the blankets on top of me! The bed sheets are white, and the blanket on top is kind of a maroon color. The walls of my cabin are oak halfway up, then it's a kind of maroon-colored wallpaper with some type of floral design. I can also see what appears to be a type of immitated candle on the wall. I am in first class.

Anyway, I get up and throw on a few light clothes and go to see what is the matter. It looks like C Deck.

The next thing I remember is being somewhere belowdecks, and in front of me is J. Bruce Ismay, about to ascend some type of ladder. Our exact conversation is sketchy, but I ask him what is wrong and if it is serious and he says, "We have struck an iceberg, I think she is badly hurt." He appears to be making an inspection.

Now comes a gap where I don't remember what happens for a long time. The next thing I remember is climbing the Grand Staircase and the water is right at my feet. I am on the stairs when they uproot and go through the glass dome. Needless to say, I am a victim.

This dream feels so real that the first time I had it, back in the summer, I awoke in a cold sweat and looked around to make sure I wasn't on the Titanic! It's very frightening!

Has anyone else ever dreamed they're onboard her?



Very detailed for a dream. Could be a vision. Or a past-life flashback.

For myself, I happen to believe in reincarnation and feel sure I lived during the time of the Titanic disaster if I wasn't actually on the ship. I've no idea who I was and don't want to know. But the Titanic's sinking has had a very genuine emotional effect on me - far beyond mere interest, that's for sure. I must say I have never had a dream of Titanic though in my mind's eye I have always pictured the sinking in a way I've never seen it portrayed on film which has always made me wonder if its an actual memory or de ja vu, etc.

It is horrendously dark in the vision/memory I've had since I was 9 years old - nothing is illuminated, it's all in shadow, a mist of shadows, very terrifying. Even as I write this, it's chilling. The ship is tilted on end, though not nearly so steeply as is portrayed; just a very dark figure against a very dark sky. It's all black, a long cyndrilical shape outlined, and seems to be sort of turning onto itself, if that makes sense. My vantage point appears to be right forward of the ship, or perhaps behind it, it's hard to tell, the way its sticking up and moving. I'm slightly to one side, almost directly before it. It's very near and scarily real. I have a horrible sense of dread, a sickly feeling in my stomach whenever I think of this image.

I'd like to discount it as my imagination. And it might well be. But I've never shaken it. Not in all these years. It is always the same awful picture.

I have never spoken publicly of this "deja vu" sensation or whatever it is, only family and a few friends know, but it seems right somehow to share it now. I hope I'll not be criticized.

Hi All,

Randy, perhaps this might be useful. Recent research shows that Titanic never actually lifted much out of the water, certainly nowhere near as high as is shown in the JC movie. I can't remember exactly but I think Titanic never lifted out more than 25 degrees (and I think it was less).

One interesting thing I have about Titanic dreams. People that know of my Titanic "obsession" (as they call it) say, "you must have dreams about it all the time!" The truth is I never do, well none that I can ever remember though. There is one Titanic dream that I can remember, and when I had it, I was amazed that I had actually had a dream about Titanic. I remember being on E deck, and I remember seeing one of the gangway doors on the starboard side, aft, opened (I think all this was inspired by the movie - so I highly doubt it was a reincarnation memory). Then we were in the life boats and they started to split and separate into smaller boats until it was basically one mini lifeboat per person. That is all.

I do remember another dream, but it wasn't about the Titanic. I believe it was the Olympic. I think I was about 8 or 9 when I had it. I remember it was a very rainy, misty day and I remember being very frightened, I remember swimming and remember seeing a ship (remembering it now looks like a silhouette of either Olympic or Titanic, i.e. resembling an Olympic class ship). This was all during the day. I remember swimming through very shallow water, almost like white water rafting. I was finally safe and the last thing I remember was looking through some windows.

Here's the freaky bit. In 1995 I bought the Lynch/Marschall Illustrated History book. Now everyone turn to pg.47. The large picture of the Lounge windows was exactly what I saw in my dream. When I turned to that page and saw the picture I froze and suddenly remembered the dream.

What the dream means, what it's all about I have no idea.

There is a sweet and vivacious woman by the name of Teri Milch who believes in reincarnation and has the vivid memories and dreams of the Titanic. She is one to ask about this for she is kind and quite knowledgeable. Good luck.
Hello all,

Good to know I'm not entirely alone with my dreaming. Weird coincedinces abound in my dream, as well. Remember, I first had it back in the early summer. What really stuck out in my mind as I was telling my neighbor and fellow Titanic enthusiast about it was the fact that I was on the Grand Staircase and they suddenly seemed to lift out of the ship as though they had broken off their foundation. This, at the time, was the main reason I thought the dream was total fiction. I had not, at the time, heard of the fact that the real stairs actually did that. Needless to say, when I checked out "Ghosts of the Titanic" at my local library a few weeks later, I was very shocked. I have also saw the fact that the stairs left their base mentioned several times on this board.

Something else that would be freaky: I know basically nothing of the Titanic's cabin decor, so would it not be interesting if their really was a cabin decorated in that style on the ship? I'm still not sure if I was on C Deck or not.

While I still personally do not believe in re-encarnation, I would also like to get Teri's opinion on this. Who knows Teri, maybe you were the one who informed me of the ship's condition.


Brandon- so, it was YOU I have been dreaming about for so many years on the Grand staircase! Sure- call me a nutcase too-I have had several dreams about being saved from shipwrecks (nearly drowned at age 5) off Ocean City, MD- and remember lying on the bottom perfectly calm looking up through green water at the sun. My first wreck was a sailing ship, went down off Mystic, I recalled several names when I woke up and checked them out - found them- including the captain- in the CEMETERY! Most unsettling I can tell you. The constant Titanic dream is that I am standing looking up at a man in evening dress on the Grand staircse- he has no face- and I tell him not to worry as I know when she will sink and what boat to get in- there's music playing in the background. OK- so get the men with the nets! Have had this dream since 1976. Won't even tell you about the night in 1992 in Fall River.....

I can't think of any real cabin that was on the Titanic like you described it. It does remind me of something from the JC movie set (which wasn't particularly accurate on cabins).

If you can remember the cabin, can you relate it to any pictures of cabins you have seen?

Hi Brandon ~

Gosh, I haven't posted to you in a long while.

In all my writings of the past life I led, not one of them came from a "dream" I had at night. They all came to me while I was fully awake doing something.

Brandon this is my opinion of your dreams:

It really sounds like you were on the Titanic the night it sank, by what you have described here, but it's not up to me to make that conclusion for you. Although you do not believe in reincarnation, perhaps your dreams were trying to tell you something. What that is, might not be anything more significant than wanting some sort of simple a acknowledgement from you.

The best thing one can do about dreams like these is to acknowledge them. Acknowledge them and perhaps they won't have an impact on you, if they had any at all. Since the dream is coming directly from you, YOU would need to do the acknowledging.

And very well done on your description of a first class cabin! Very precise.

You are totally correct in your assessment of a first class cabin, for I (JB) had a cabin exactly like the one you described, aboard MAJESTIC. My room had Maroon wall covering, oak paneling and a maroon duvet. Their was a table and chairs in the middle of the cabin as well. The room was actually quite soft and romantic. On that particular night I had invited Lightoller in for a toast of champagne. He declined the drink offer, but we had a good chat nonetheless.

You are probably right that I was probably the one who informed you about the ship's condition. I do remember hurrying up and down some stairs that night but I was extremely pre-occupied with finding out the extent of what happened to the ship. And I wanted to find out as quickly as possible. Somebody had indeed asked me something about the ship, and I hurriedly answered them. My recollection tells me it was a waundering child, a boy perhaps. How he ended up down where I was, I'll never know, but he followed me around a bit because he thought I knew where I was going!

Stacie~ Hey Woman!!! Whatcha doin?

Randy & Daniel,

I was very happy to see your posts.

All of you guys really surprised me. It made my day. (or rather night)

I'll try to keep up with this thread, but I just started work on my very sick computer and I'm not at my house, I'm at my mom's.

Hi Teri (JB),

Thanks very much for your post. Very chilling! Not that this would likely help, but in my cabin I can recall some type of chair setting against the wall under that immitated candle. It sort of resembled one of those found in the reception room. I think (can't remember exactly though) there was some type of dresser or something made of a dark wood setting nearby. I can remember no more details of the room.

I do wish I could remember what happens to me in the gap between where I meet JB and my death. So you do remember making an inspection? I had no clue Ismay did an inspection. I had never heard this. In my dream JB looked identical to the one in Cameron's movie, only he looked almost sickly. I can remember no one else in the dream, but I must have surely ran into someone else. On the stairs I knew there was people there, but cannot even remember what they looked like. I remember them as being only ghostly images.

I'm still not convinced about me being on the ship that night, but this thread is beginning to make me think...


I know a little about dreams from psychology, but then again I got a C in that class.

Dreams that have to do with memory (be it past lives or the current kind) often are more fancy than reality. What the brain has forgotten, the sub-conscience will replace, usually with stereotypes. In other words, it may not have been Ismay that you spoke with, but merely a crewman that you no longer remember. Because of this, your sub-conscience comes up with a stereotypical person that could have told you the situation (i.e., Ismay). This goes with other thing as well, like the chair you mentioned. Staterooms did not get the wicker kind that graced the Reception Room, but they are the typical chair type found in most companionways.

You said that the walls were half oak. Did the oak come to about waist level, or shoulder height?

As for the cabin decor, that matches a lot of different styles found in the C Deck suites. Photos of these suites aboard Olympic show two twin beds, a small chair by the wall, and wood and marble wash stands. In the sitting area, there was a couch of some sort and an arm chair with table. There was also a small writing deck with its own chair.

Hope this helps.

Hello David,

Yes, that did indeed help. The oak was about waist-height. And on the matter of the chair, I did not mean to imply that was one from the reception room, only that it looked similar. It looked very much like the one shown on pg. 17 of Robert Ballard's "The Discovery of the Titanic." It is visible there beside the table in B-59. Also in that photo appears to be one of thos immitated candles that I remembered. However, this one was located above the chair and not the bed. I saw nothing else of the cabin that I can remember. I only remember being in bed, feeling the shudder, getting up to put on some light clothing which I had left lying on that chair (hence the reason I remember the chair), and leaving the cabin. I never, to my memory, returned. Gosh I wish I could fill in the gaps of that dream!



I too have vivid dreams of the Titanic and wonder why. Is it because I am just so interested in the event, the ship and its people or is it more? My dreams, however, don't always look like the real Titanic but some unrecognizable setting resembling a ship. I hear of reincarnation from a very convincing friend, Teri Milch. Her stories are chilling and her memories overpower her current life. It's quite fascinating and I would love to hear from more people on the subject.

I had a friend tell me that I am a new soul with not many, many past lives but I want to hear more on this.

Best Wishes,

Stacie Crowther
On the subject of past lives, the Titanic is not the only event I have dreamed about. I once dreamed I was in World War II. I was shot in the leg and two men came over and helped me up. The three of us hopped away, but there was a sudden burst of gunfire and all three of us were taken down.
Again, very disturbing. I'm still not convinced of past lives.


It's true. We see something on T.V or a movie, discuss it with friends or in class, or just think about it, it can appear in your dreams. As a teen, I had passionate and delicious dreams about the Joe Lynn Turner (singer of Rainbow Ritchie Blackmore's band after Deep Purple). I know I never was that lucky (damn) but I always sthought about it and wanted to do it. The mind is a powerful tool. This dows not pay tribute to the past lives theory either.