Edith Russell had two cabins!

I think Edith in her early days probably was charming and engaging. A bit of a people collector. She certainly wasn't homely if you have seen pictures of her in her early days.But as time marched on I think she turned into a gnarly old spinster. A number of survivors who remember her, did so with fondness. I don't think it was totally inconceivable for to be having an affair. There is one wealthy globe trotting married passenger who was having an affair with a Newport society lady ( who was not on the Titanic ). The woman was also married. And this man was so dry I found it very hard for him to be having an affair. But the evidence is there and is currently being published in a book. So no Randy, no hard feelings. But I wouldn't exactly call it a wild rumor either. As Mike said it is based on a few reports. Not just MacQuitty.
BTW Philip: Could it be that Pauline Gibson was the natural mother of Joan Crawford and beat her with wire coat hangers??????
Hi Philip:
Doesn't surprise me. I used to look at Feldman and say, " God he looks like so much like Dot Gibson ". Finally the truth comes out. I can only imagine what kind of bridge partner she was on the last night. And she must have been a pip in the lifeboat. All kidding aside, did you find a picture to go along with the story?
PS I guess your off to find yourself a case of beer ( or is that Cassebeer )?
I guess I agree that Edith Rosenbaum must have been something of a charmer because to have worked in the fashion world she would have had to be to some extent. She certainly knew everyone who was anyone. Unfortunately I've only seen one picture of her from c. 1912 & that's the one from the Ladies Home Companion piece. She seems pretty enough and certainly she is chic. I've been digging a bit in my spare time into Women's Wear Daily back issues and am coming across loads of stuff but so far no pictures. It would appear she was investigated for and even went to court over the charge that she was smuggling in Paris gowns - this being 1917. Charmer or not she seems to have also drawn more than a little scandal her way. Definitely an amusing person. Sad that she became such a wretch in her last years.
Hi Michael,
In answer to your question about the eeeeevil Pauline Gibson, I have good photos of her up until about the time of her death. Even as a younger woman she was "mousy" looking--Dorothy doesn't resemble her. Not really ugly, but somehow smug in appearance when she was in her 50's, 60's and 70's and when she got into her 80's she got fat and resembled an angry toad. Never smiles, but I guess that is a part of being eeeeeevil. She left only a nephew when she died and the family has died out now. She was estranged from them anyway (they appear to have been decent people).

I'll send one of her pictures to Phil H. so you can see what I'm talking about.

>>Does anyone know how to contact the scattered cousins of Edith L. Russell?<<

Some might but this sort of information is not offered lightly if at all. You would be surprised at just how many families want nothing to do with the Titanic or anybody interested in same.
>>Any leads would be most helpful. Regards, Virginia<<

Understood but the thing is, I don't get to make that call and the people who have that information may not be at liberty to discuss it. Hopefully, this thread will be seen by somebody who may be able to help you out with this.

Following a stint as mistress to Titanic owner J.Bruce Ismay (a fact confided by her to Walter Lord in later years, and the basis for Walter’s admonition that, in Her Name, Titanic, I had probably placed too much faith in Ms. Russell’s defense of Ismay), she evidently came to regard marriage as belonging to the same crazy camp as airplanes. Thus, at age ninety-eight, she wrote that she had experienced every disaster except a plane crash, bubonic plague, and a husband.
Does anyone have any information about Robert A Wareham, the steward that is referred to in the post above penned by Randy B. Bigham and posted on Sunday, August 27, 2000 - 10:12 pm:..He talks about a woman who boarded the Titanic with the name Edith Rosenbaum who was a fashion writer, buyer, and stylist and later changed her name to
Edith Russell. In the post he talks about a conversation that she had with Wareham after the ship had hit the iceburg I have copied it in quotes here...
"Later on, after the iceberg had been struck and she was waiting in the lounge, trying to decide to get on a lifeboat or not, she says she saw her steward Wareham and asked:

"...Wareham, what about my dresses and things? Do you think they will transfer my luggage?"

His reply: "If I were you, I think I would kiss them good-bye."

It was then that she begged him to go and fetch her lucky "mascot," that now famous toy pig.

Does anyone know anything about Mr Wareham? I am working on my family tree and was hoping to find out anymore info..

Also, who is this Edith woman and what's with the pig?

Thanks Linda Wareham Benedict