Engine Design

Yes, thanks Scott. I forgot about the governor for the turbine. They also had Aspinall governors on each reciprocating engine which worked with a Brown's engines that controlled the reciprocating engine's throttle value in case it started to race. In either case, I would consider these to be overspeed controls.
Thank all of you for excellent information, as to Aspinall governor, I am most familiar with prop governors for aircraft. I assume it worked on the same principal i.e. flyweights opposing tension of a speeder spring, and moving a spool valve controlling oil to the prop dome (or valve actuator)
Parson's paper I referenced in another post is answering quite a few questions for me too-
I found a copy of "Power Of The Great Liners" at bookfinder.com, it should answer more questions when it arrives.
Thanks again, you have given me more to study and become familiar with.
Jim Hathaway

The Aspinall governors of the reciprocating engines didn't operate on the same principal as the familiar Watt or Proell type governors. This type of governor was usually affixed to either a pump lever or other lever driven by one of the crossheads (in Titanic's case, it was the latter, as all auxiaries were driven independant of the main engines). While a bit more difficult to explain than a centrifugal governor without the aid of diagrams and drawings, the basic concept is that there was a pair of spring-loaded pawls with a sort of floating lever positioned between them. This lever was connected by rods and bellcranks to overriding gear of the small hydraulic cylinder which actuated the throttle plate installed between the stop/manuvering valve and the high pressure receiver. The entire governor assembly oscillated with the lever, and as long as there was no sudden acceleration, all of the parts of the governor remained static in relation to one another. If the engine suddenly accelerated, as in the case of a propeller partially or completely breaking the surface, the sudden change in velocity caused one of the pawls to swing outward and catch the throttle override lever, causing the throttle plate to close until the revolutions began to drop. The device was also designed so that in the cases of really severe acceleration and/or repeated racing such as might be experienced in the case of a dropped propeller or broken shaft, the governor would lock the throttle in the closed position until the engine was stopped and one of the engineers manually reset the pawls.

Scott Andrews

PS - Aspinall also made a type of governor for turbine engines as well, though I have never seen a photo or drawing of one of these.
Hi Sam,

Yes, I saw that site, too, while doing a quick search to see if there was any online source I could steer Jim to for a drawing of the Aspinall governors for reciprocating engines. I've got plenty of reference material showing the recip engine type at home (I'm away visiting relatives for the holidays and have nothing available to me here), but nothing showing the Aspinall turbine engine governor. By the way, I've seen numerous other mentions of this turbine governor contemporary to the Titanic including, IIRC, the Aquitania.

Oddly, the only governor other than the typical Watt type that I've found pictures of online is the Proell, which is sort of an upside-down Watt governor. These pictures are of the earliest incarnation of the device, but they still clearly show the operating principles. The model employed on the Olympic-class ships was driven directly by a worm gear on the forward spindle of the turbine, and the fly weights were covered by a cylindrical housing with a semi-conical top. It can be made out in the "Engineering" elevation of the Olympic's engine rooms. (in profile, this thing reminds of the appearance of the carburetor and flame arrestor on the early Ford V-8's)

Scott Andrews
Thanks very much, Scott, and Sam
I will have a project for this weekend, I will be doing some research on the different governors.
The Watt governor sounds a lot like the prop (Woodruff) governors I work with using flyweights and being driven by a gear on the crank.
The Aspinall will take a bit more reading of Scott's description to understand- I will print it for reading material on my break tomorrow- I appreciate it!
Hope you both have a great weekend-
Quoting to some things Jim Hathaway posted:

In the paper he states "a slow speed turbine expands low pressure steam much furthur and more economically than any reciprocating engine. Under this system, the turbine generally is made to develop about 1/3 of the whole power.
He mentions the first combination vessel, the Otaki with twin screws driven by triple expansion reciprocating engines exhausting into a center low pressure turbine driving a screw.
Parson's paper says Otaki consumed 12% less coal than her sister driven by four reciprocating engines.
He goes of to say that Laurentic, in service realized a 14% savings of coal consumed over the same speed as her sister Megantic with a pure reciprocating engine plant.

Well, this sound not realy funny. But a low pressure turbine won't be able to compete with a large live steam reciprocationg engine. Because turbines do only best, if propelled by high temperature, high pressure live steam, and not with the exhaust trash. Even in your exampe: If I got a ship with a triple expansion engine, and a turbine, and another with two expansion reciprocating engines, well, the turbine will do the job well, but you won't have same power output.
This has to do with condensation efficiency. Turbines can much better expand stream in a continous flow, but it is not using the expansion energy. More a turbine works like a wind mill, so stream is impportant, not expansion. So reciprocationg engines lock-up the steam into the cylinder, and the pressure will push the piston, while the pressure sinks due expansion, but the expanding steam propells a reciprocating engine, not the live pressure.
So many reciprocating engines operate in the lp cylinder in very low pressures, so need a large piston surface, and many times the lp cylinder also operated in negative pressure (vacuum levels), as a result and benefit of condensator usage. But negative pressure in lp makes this cylinder only effectivve if the condensator is operating well, and the whole plant build for a small range of revolutions. Not good for ships engines. So most ships use reciprocating engines whithout such effective condensators, and waste heat energy. Heat ennergy is allways direct correlated to fuel. So as more heat a engine plant wastes, as higher the fuel one need to keeep it running.
So here comes Titanics advantage: Two reciprocation engines deliver about 2/3 or 5/8 of the maximum power output, and the lp cylinder operates not on vacuum, but the turbine, which uses the exhaust steam of the reciprocating engine, now expannds the steam from very low pressure to vacuum levels, and thus making the following condensator highly effective. Thus: Maybe Titanic is not so powerfull than a engine with three reciprocating engines, but need about one thrid less fuel. Thats a advantage and benefit in costs, because fuel is tthe most expensive cost calculation in running an engine. And more power still means more fuel costs, Titanic made here a middle way, in more power to less costs.
And so, before comparing engines, we had to comparre the whole plant.... And than we can assume what's better or less good. Because the turbine is not, it is just different.

BTW, if I remember correctly, Titanic and Olympic's engines could produce 45,000hp while Mauretania and Lusitania's could do up to 70,000hp.
A great difference!

Well, hp output is just a term! How much fuel consumed Mauretania? Because this, one has allways to think about: Not a hp term is what makes an propulsion plant.
So whatt would you think: I have a ferrari and have 500 hp, you have a porsche with 250 hp.... My Ferrari wastes about 30-45 Liters per 100 kilometers, and your porsche only 15-20 Liters.
Which engine is better? The one with 500 hp? Not realy, isn't it? Same in ship propullsion plants.
The output from the LP cylinders on the Olympic/Titanic were at 9 psia, which is below atmospheric pressure. The Parsons turbine further expanded the steam down to 1 psia before discharging it to the condensers.
Just a little item, the Internet Archive, Marine Engineer, vol 37 pt 5, Dec 1914, ad pg "x" just before editorial pg 117 has an advertisement with an engraving illustrating Aspinall’s governor and mentioning the Olympic.
