ET Ghosts from the Abyss Making Contact Halloween Special

>>Count me in for the Shelley Chez Borden tour...<<

Hi Inger, as Lizzie herself would say, be careful what you axe for. You may get it!


Michael "The Slasher" Standart
The 60's hit by the Chad Mitchell Trio (with John Dever) called "You can't chop your Poppa up in Massachusetts" ( which I sang with gusto for the MTV folks-oh dear....) and also the lyrics for Down With the Old Canoe and Dance Band on the Titanic can be found here (Harry Chapin). A great site for other disaster folk tunes. Hope this link works. Scroll down to all the juicy links on the site
Someone is going to have to tape the Borden House Shelley Extravaganza for me...this sounds like an epic and a half!

Curiously, I've come across three separate stories in which a breath of the supernatural whispers through concerning the family of one of the Titanic's crew. All quite different, but one of them was part of testimony given at a coronial inquest! Not that I endorse any of them, of course...

Am bitterly disappointed I'm not going to make the Hallow's Eve gathering - but as I live so near the home turf of Jack the Ripper (although no longer across the road from where one of his victims died and was supposed to 'walk' on the anniversary of her death as I used to), perhaps that's a good thing...

~ Ing