Fashion at the bottom of the sea

Encyclopedia Titanica

Philip Hind
Staff member

Philadelphia-born Titanic survivor Charlotte Drake Martinez Cardeza is best known as the woman whose 14 steamer trunks were full of fashionable frocks, hats, shoes, furs and jewelry. Of course, all that regalia went down with the ship... Titanica! Mon, 15 Aug 2022
What a shallow, tone-deaf, and materialistic article. 1,500 died in the sinking, including over 50 children, but the true victim was a wealthy heiress who lost her new Paris wardrobe? What a revolting take. Doesn’t this person have anything better to write about?
The gulf that existed between the upper and lower levels of Edwardian society was wider than the Atlantic itself, and the story of the RMS Titanic encapsulates this perfectly which is why it's such a fascinating subject to so many people 111 years later. To truly appreciate the impact that the disaster had on that society and beyond one must view every angle of the tragedy, however distasteful it may seem. The icy sea shows no discrimination to it's victims - that's of our own making and is as true today as it was then. Highlighting and understanding the inequalities of life is the best way forward towards eliminating those inequalities, and the above article is a step nearer to achieving that goal.