First Funnel Collapse

The first funnel fell before the break up because it would be impossible for 4th officer Boxhall to go under them if she broke up when the bridge went under (around the time the first funnel fell.). I hope this answer's your question!
You mean it would be impossible for 4th officer Boxhall to go under the stern which was hanging in the air? Did he know the first funnel fell before that?
The first funnel fell before the break up because it would be impossible for 4th officer Boxhall to go under them if she broke up when the bridge went under (around the time the first funnel fell.). I hope this answer's your question!D
The first funnel fell before the break up because it would be impossible for 4th officer Boxhall to go under them if she broke up when the bridge went under (around the time the first funnel fell.). I hope this answer's your question!
And by the way what does Boxhall have to do with this? I doesn’t recall him ever mentioning the Funnel in his testimony.
And by the way what does Boxhall have to do with this? I doesn’t recall him ever mentioning the Funnel in his testimony.
I think she was referring to, that if Titanic had broken in two before the first funnel fell, Boxhall, who reported going under the propellers, would not have been able to, since the props didn’t clear the water before the first funnel fell.
I think she was referring to, that if Titanic had broken in two before the first funnel fell, Boxhall, who reported going under the propellers, would not have been able to, since the props didn’t clear the water before the first funnel fell.
Wait a minute I thought the propellers rose out of the water before the First Funnel fell.
Wait a minute I thought the propellers rose out of the water before the First Funnel fell.
It depends on who you talk to. I say the Propeller's lifted out of the water high enough for Boxhall and Lifeboat 2 to pass under, but the 2012 sinking says the props didn't clear the water until the Second Funnel fell.
Wait a minute I thought the propellers rose out of the water before the First Funnel fell.
Well they were but Box hall left the ship at Around 1:45. And around 2:00 she began her final plunge. 4th officer Boxhall was under her propellers at this time. Also 2nd officer Charles Lightholler. He was sucked down when the titanic began her final plunge. But when he got up the first funnel fell, pushing himself and collapsible B away from the ship. Lightholler spent the rest of the night trying to get onto collapsible B and helping others onto it. If titanic split before he was pushed away from the ship before she broke in two. If the ship had broke before the first funnel fell, Collapsibles A and B would be sucked down with her. Hope this answer's your question!
Ok I have compiled a list of who saw the first funnel fall and a portion of their testimonies and other eyewitness accounts.

Charles Lightoller
Q. Were you able to make use of it to clamber on to it?
A. Not at that time. I just held on to something, a piece of rope or something, and was there for a little while, and then the forward funnel fell down. It fell within 3 or 4 inches of the boat. It lifted the boat bodily and threw her about 20 feet clear of the ship as near as I could judge.

Colonel Archibald Gracie:
“The forward funnel broke from the ship, falling on the starboard side into the sea."

Harry Senior:
"Before I dived off the ship one of the forward boilers burst and blew up the forward funnel." -The Scotsman

John Poingdestre:
Q. Now will you describe to us what you saw happen when she sank?
A. Well, I thought when I looked that the ship broke at the foremost funnel.

Emily Ryerson:
“I was in the bow of the boat with my daughter and turned to see the great ship take a plunge toward the bow, the two forward funnels seemed to lean and then she seemed to break in half as if cut with a knife,“ (Ryerson says the first two funnels fell at the same time which contradicts other survivors accounts)

Richard Norris Williams:

”The water was almost up to our waists and the ship was about at her last. Suddenly one of the great funnels fell. I sprang, endeavoring to pull my father with me. The funnel was swept overboard and my fathers body went with it.” -Washington Times

Are there anymore survivor accounts or testimonies that I’m missing?
The reason for the funnel collapse would be due to the water pressure around its base at a depth of twenty feet the pressure at the base would be 1248 lb per square foot not only squeezing it but also forcing it upwards as it would become buoyant and try to float .
You can experiment this yourself at the kitchen sink with a paper model as you fill the sink up.
So, what's the final verdict on which side the first funnel fell? We had had different opinions about this from learned experts, both quoting witnesses and describing the physics involved.

The forward funnels both went to starboard, not to port. There is no real question about that. Why anyone ever questioned that the forward funnel went to port instead of starboard is beyond me. Quite literally no one reported that it went to port.

Well, see below.

In the case of Titanic the surge first came at the base of funnel 1 as she went down by the head and that funnel, acting under gravity fell to the side of the list - port
I confess that up to a few days ago, I believed that the first funnel had fallen towards the port side, simply because of the list and gravity side of things. But After Kent Layton's posts in the OASOG animation thread, I was happy to reconsider it but now I simply don't know what to think. :confused:
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