Following the Road to Riches My Journey

Upon returning from their extended celebratory trip, the Browns decided to move from Leadville to Denver and buy a house. Even after their move to Denver in 1894, Margaret never forgot her friends and relatives in Leadville and often returned by train to visit throughout her life.

Like Margaret, I will not soon forget Leadville either. While not nearly as industrious as it was formerly in its Boom days, Leadville still retains a certain aura of hardy pioneering mystique. It is today an infrequently visited city with unique charm and steadfast persistence. I, too, shall return someday.....

Well, it's time to depart our mountain retreat for now. As we drive away West into the sunset, we pause on top of the snowy continental divide at 12,095 feet, and reflect upon our day:


Hi Jason,

As I said to you privately, I've really enjoyed reading this thread and seeing your photos. It's wonderful to compare the town with the old photos and the new ones; you can really see how much or sometimes little has changed over the years. The scenic ones are absolutely breathtaking!

Once again, well done!

Best regards,

What a great trip you had. Margaret certainly did a lot with her life. Seems she had a great trip as well. From running a lifeboat and dealing with a belligerent Quartermaster to moving on up into the sky of wealth and riches, she sure packed a lot of adventure into her life.
Oh no! I hope that nothing folks don't end up losing their homes. I forgot to mention that my Dad was in Leadville in the 1960's after he got back from 'Nam. He had friends there. Relatives of his first wife.