Fr Browne's photo of an elderly couple

Hi Michael,

I remember ages ago when I thought the couple on deck were the Carters, I too noticed the similarity between the man on the Carpathia photo.

Then Sloper's account came to mind, when Sloper tells that Mr. Carter and himself conversed ... see the coat (that 'Carter' is sitting on), also mentioned in the account. So I presumed the other man could have possibly been Sloper.

But as you say the gentleman on deck does not look like Carter.

If the man on Carpathia is the same man as on the Titanic, then we ONLY have 54 suspects, already we can rule out a few. Who could the Carpathia man be, even if he is not the gentleman from the photo on the deck of Titanic?


As an aside, the reason I thought that the man on the deck of Titanic was Carter, is due to a photo from the Illustrated London News, where Carter is shown to have a beard and is somewhat oldish looking. However, Carter was 36. Perhaps it’s another ‘Carter’ and the picture is (as many others) wrongly captioned, or more likely it’s the wrong picture for the right caption.
Make your mind up time.

Sorry the image of Dr Arthur Jackson Brewe turned out small. It's taken from this larger picture of him and Philadelphia companions on camels at the Sphinx at Giza.

I think Brewe has the same beard, shape of face, build and flat cap (!) as Fr Browne's mystery passenger.

Curses and deletable expletives...

I think the problem was that the internet traffic was too heavy. The posts disappeared without the 'browse' prompt for uploading.

You will just have to imagine how closely the two men resemble each other...

The Sphinx looked well too.
I hope Phil notices all these dumb boxes. I would get rid of these posts if I could, but there's no "delete post" facility when one tries to edit what's already uploaded.

How about it Phil? We ought to be able to take back inadvertent mistakes in spelling, text or formatting - by killing our last outpouring.

Senan, Phil,

I've been having the same problem with uploading. I thought it was my computer, which has been kinda slow lately, but maybe it's ET. Instead of uploading, I ended up inserting the site address to San Francisco Titanica pictures, directly. Then, some of the members, like Hermann Soldner, for some reason couldn't get through to the site address. By the way, some weeks ago I tried to update the "Links" description for my site on ET but nothing happened. I've added a lot of new stuff on Washington Dodge. It might amount to enough to put together an article for ET, or a bio.
I've been having some problems with links myself. After I corrected one to a site called The White Star Liners OLYMPIC and TITANIC, it still wouldn't link through even thoug I triple checked the URL to make sure I got it right.

Server problems maybe?

Michael H. Standart
I have seen the picture of Dr. Brewe and although the quality is poor, he does indeed bear a striking resemblance to Fr. Browne's man.
If we're going to be petty, you could say that Brewe's beard is more of the "imperial" style (only just discernable!) and that Fr. Browne's man is heavier set face-wise, but as I mentioned to Senan, until I see other photos, that's convincing enough for me.
Thanks again to Senan for sharing the pic!



I was just wondering whether anyone has and can share a photo of Mr. R. W. Smith (cabin A19) with us. I'd like to know whether Smith is or is not the mystery man from Browne's photo.

One of Father Francis Brown's photos taken on Titanic was of an older couple, standing on the aft port quarter of the boat deck, next to a cargo crane.
Clearly a first class couple.
Has this couple ever been identified?
Any theories as to who they might be?



Tarn Stephanos
I thought so ..I looked for that thread, but couldnt find it..

Perhaps some things are best left unknown....
Lets just call that couple 'the time travelers..'

; )


Tarn Stephanos
I found it....
As this thread is now redundant, any moderators out there who could delete this thread, or graft it to the other thread of this same theme?

tarn Stephanos
No problem, from what I recall, there were at least two different threads about it, the one I began was the second, but another exists from a really long time ago.