Francatelli Letter Auctioned

Belated thanks to Martin Williams for offering to send me a copy of the catalogue. By the way, Martin, if you’re out there, I think I have got your email wrong as I sent several images a week or so ago, and have not heard from you about them. Some other Martin Williams must be wondering who the devil Lady Duff Gordon is!
Here I am! I'm temporarily working for an estate agent on Sloane Street - dull but keeping the wolf from the door.

My email address, Randy, is [email protected]. It goes without saying, I'll be glad to see any images you'd be kind enough to send. I haven't received anything from you since Easter, I'm afraid, so they must have gone astray.

I'm also glad that Charles was able to provide you with a catalogue. Be interesting to see how his sale goes...
Thought it was about time I expressed an interest in this forum. My 3x great grandmother Georgina Francatelli was Laura Mabel's first cousin once removed. I've been pushed to post having seen the auction advertised in the press and have e-mailed Charles Miller re previews of the sale items.
I have a Francatelli family tree created since discovering I am descended from a Francatelli about 18 months ago. You can imagine the excitement generated in this household when I saw the article in the Daily Mail!
Would love to be contacted by anyone who genuinely has information about the Francatellis over and above what I have found on this forum.
Hoping I may be able to see the lots and keep in contact with the buyers but have no intention of bidding as finances won't allow it. Eldest son suggested remortgaging the house (!) - not an option.