Frans Olof Carlson

Hi Alexandra,

I also accept that Frans Olof Carlsson and Walter Lord's "Frank", as described in TNLO, were two diffrent people. The former's image was printed in contemporaneous issues of the Daily Mirror.

I have no doubt that Frans Olof Carlsson was a 1st class passenger and victim of the sinking.

Best Regards,
Wow. I never received these entries until now( a year late). Yes I know about the plaque. My Mormor has a photo of it from the church. That is her hometown.

Thanks Peter, I was hoping there was more info than what I already knew.

As I am doing research on Swedish (as well as Finnish, Danish and Norwegian) passengers, both for my own enjoyment, but also for the website Titanic Norden, would you mind contacting me? Perhaps there is something you could contribute with? I would very much appreciate it.

Best Regards,