Frederick Thomas Rice

I think the person who made the website labeled their names wrong. Because I know those are the 5 boys Margaret trevelled with and who died with her. Then, we're missing George Hugh's name? And he travelled for sure. Plus, he or she labeled Arthur (age 4 in 1912, age 2 in 1910) on the bottom row, and to tell the truth none of the children look they are 2 years old on the bottom row, only the little guy doe son the top right, Arthur.
Ok, the children: top row: Albert (10 in 1912) Arthur (4 in 1912)
Bottom row: George Hugh (8 in 1912), Eugene Francis (2 in 1912) and Frederick Thomas "Eric" (7 in 1912.) The photo was taken possibly in 1910, so the children look 2 years younger.
Frederick Thomas was born April 13, 1899 but died May 31, 1899. He choked to death on a pacifier in London at less than 2m old. He is not in the family portrait.