Gardiner Is At It Again

Mike Bull

Just found this depressing news online...

Mediaworld's director Graham Smith has been appointed as literary agent to best-selling author Robin Gardiner, the world's leading expert on the Titanic disaster.
Robin has had two huge best sellers with Riddle Of The Titanic, which he wrote with eminent journalist Dan Van Der Vat, published by Weidenfeld Nicholson/Orion and The Ship That Never Sank published by Ian Allen.
Both books explore the story that the Titanic had been switched with her sister ship The Olympic and there will be major developments later this year concerning that sensational story. Robin is writing his third book which will give the reasons why the world's most famous shipping disaster was not all that it seemed and a major film of the story is planned.
Said Graham: "I'm very pleased to have been offered the position which is an exciting challenge. The Titanic is the stuff of legend and the world is going to be astonished when Robin backs up his theories with hard evidence and facts which will quite simply rewrite the history of this epic disaster."
We will bring you the latest developments exclusively here on the Best Books web site. We are also developing the official web site to showcase Robin's work which will contain never before published pictures and evidence surrounding this legendary story.
Mike, I'm not sure that this news is as good as it thinks it is. For a start, Best Books seems to be an author subsidised printer rather than a publisher supporting authors and historians. However, owing to work related experience of author subsidised printers, I'll admit to a bias on this point. To be fair, Best Books is a new company too.

I'd also be interested in an opinion from knowledgeable locals about Mediaworld's standing. It seems to be a new-ish PR company based in Yorkshire, however its website is still under construction. ( A lot of Gardiner's promotional website consists of 'blah blah blah' filler and the site was last updated in July 2003. (

The relative newness of both organisations does explain the degree of hype - and who can blame them.


Robin is writing his third book...
I found this bit amusing: does this mean he's disowned other, earlier works?​
>>I found this bit amusing: does this mean he's disowned other, earlier works?<<

Dream on, Fi. That last book of his...the postcard book...asserted the ship switch nonsense again, albit briefly. A pity since it wasn't all that bad otherwise, but when I saw that part in it, I just put it back on the shelf.
"Robin Gardiner, the world's leading expert on the Titanic disaster..."

Bit like saying, "Peter Andre, the world's leading expert on singing".

Oh dear.
while nobody but Gardiner himself, and his publicist could seriously consider him the world's leading expert on the Titanic, it is a fact that Gardiner is one of the most successful Titanic authors in the world, if we are talking income. didn't someone mention a while back that Gardiner got some huge advance when he wrote his last book?

I would have to say that Gardiner is one of the most financially successful Titanic authors in the world. a sad statement on the gullibility of the reading public at large!

grumble, grumble, grumble,
Michael (TheManInBlack) T
"You can fool some of the people all of the time; you can fool all of the people some of the time - and those are very good odds." - "Pappy" Maverick
Ah, but the real Robin Gardiner is the world's leading Titanic expert. it's a little known fact that there's been a switch. The Mob have substituted a Gardiner doppelganger, and the plan was to defraud investors by selling 1000% of shares in the future profits and then to publish a book so awful that there would be no profits to share out - fans of the film The Producers will know the drill. Contrary to all expectations, the first book did make a profit, but of course in order for the scam to work it should have been a disastrous failure. Thus the repeated attempts with ever more ludicrous sequels, and the increasing frustration of the conspirators when each new book sells like hot cakes. The next title, Springtime for Ismay, will be a final attempt to cut losses by publishing a work so horrendously awful that it cannot possibly be taken seriously.

Now I know you're all thinking this is nonsense, but the clues are out there. Study the pic of 'Gardiner' on his bookjackets and you will clearly see that the label on his jeans reads Levi's 400 and not 401. Ask yourself why, despite numerous warnings, 'Gardiner's' sales continue to incease in speed. Explain, if you can, why 'Paddy the Pig' is seen lurking in the background of every book launch while 'Gardiner' heads off to the drinks table with a fire in his belly and a persistent lean to the port. I could go on, as the evidence for a switch is overwhelming, but to read it all you'll need to buy my forthcoming book Gardiner - the writer that never stank.
Depressing is certainly the word, Mike - but then, as the background Fi provided illustrates, the net and (to a lesser extent the rest of the PR world) is open to this sort of hyperbole.

I'd like to see any publisher interested in taking his work up approach any of the major Titanic societies for an opinion on Gardiner's 'expertise'.

The world of popular Titanic 'studies' is filled with self-appointed/described experts...but I don't think I've ever seen anyone go the whole hogg and declare themselves, or be declared by an agent, as THE leading expert! That it should be Gardiner is a roaring joke.

Lol on the Gardiner switcheroo, Bob!
>>I'd like to see any publisher interested in taking his work up approach any of the major Titanic societies for an opinion on Gardiner's 'expertise'.<<

1)I've a funny feeling they know how poorly regarded the man is.
2)I don't really think they care.
3)So long as the $$$$$$$ keeps coming in, I doubt they ever will care.

It's too bad the bottom line takes pride of place over academic and historical integrity, but it does seem to be the way of things. I wonder what it would take to really expose this thing for what it is in a fashion that would make Joe and Jane Sixpack smell this for the crock of bovine excrement that it is?
> Hi Fiona

Mediaworld may be a relative new company but the work they have done on the Gaul disaster, and for it's relatives have been top notch.

That disaster effected many people of Hull including mysellf. If one can call it a disaster that is.

Regards Graham